11 noviembre, 2018

Por Los 4 Gatos

“Habría amado la libertad, creo yo en cualquier época, pero en los tiempos que vivimos me siento inclinado a adorarla.” Tocqueville

Las elecciones de medio termino han sido una verdadera medicion de fuerzas, pero la principal fuerza que midio, fue la del valor real de la PRENSA Y LOS MEDIOS, otrora omnipotentes y hoy capaces solo de mover a LAS MENTES MAS DEBILES.

Los diferentes ataques cometidos poco antes de estas Elecciones en los E. U. todos en apariencias coordinados, muestran la fatídica atmósfera política del país, lo cual no nos augura nada bueno.

Sin dudas, parte de la maquinaria del Marxismo Cultural, conjuntamente con el Sistema de “deformacion” Educativo, le han TIRADO CON TODO a estas Elecciones y lo que sucede, no obstante, es que se han estrellado contra esa CONTENCION inamovible que conocemos como DONALD TRUMP y su decidido Movimiento: AMERICA FIRST !
Es increible y parecia inconcebible, que este Movimiento, nacido de los ESTERTORES AGONICOS de una Republica de Estados Unidos Federales, que ya parecia ahogada por tantas mentiras bien urdidas y mejor coordinadas, pudiese contra todo pronostico, hacerla renacer de sus cenizas como Ave Fenix despues de tantas decadas nefastas de INFLUENCIAS MALIGNAS.

Para tantos recursos que fueron invertidos, bastante poco ha sido el efecto, aunque si hay que reconocer que donde mas nos duele es en nuestros JOVENES MILENIALS, clarisimamente afectados por PROPAGANDA Y LA EDUCACION DEFORMADA, ambas implementadas al mejor estilo de la ESCUELA DE FRANKFURT.
Hoy vimos claramente como ese proceso se ha materializado, en vertientes como son la Ideolologia de Genero y el Feminismo Radical entre otras, una intentanto usar como arriete contra la estabilidad social a un grupo claramente minoritario y el otro intentando fragmentar a su favor a la mitad de la ESPECIE HUMANA, en contra de la otra, como si fuese posible “disolver” con propaganda absurda lo que la LEY NATURAL CON BASE BIOLOGICA ha definido eternamente.

Mientras tanto, en esas estamos, cualquier CONFUSION social les es buena, cualquier CONFUNDIDO les es util y ello puede ser un arma para estos inescrupulosos que estan pretendiendo disolver hasta la mas sagrada de las Instituciones Humanas: LA FAMILIA.

En fin, Caravanas de INVASORES A PEDIDO y simultaneas, Auto-atentados con unas “bombas” muy raras que no llegan a sus destinos y QUE NO ESTALLAN,  Dolorosas y sospechosas MUERTES REALES en medio de un clima toxico y enrarecido,  Aumento a destiempo de los INTERESES por parte de la RESERVA FEDERAL, en fin, todo… SOSPECHOSAMENTE  planeado en un Paquete y ATIEMPADO con estas “Midterm Elections”.

Que mas podriamos decir ? Pues poco mas…Que aun asi, TRUMP Y SU PROYECTO siguen adelante decididamente y de paso, aprovechando los golpes, hacer LIMPIEZA COLATERAL, que viene muy bien como parte del DRENAJE NECESARIO al podrido PANTANO POLITICO de los que ya se sentian duenos de la Nacion.
Vivimos momentos especiales, diriase que SAGRADOS, tiempos que nos mereceran la pena, o la Gloria de ser vividos, viendo como LA UNION DE ESTADOS AMERICANOS que durante Siglos ILUMINO AL MUNDO  y a la que falsos patriotas habian venido apagando, COMIENZA DE NUEVO A SER LA QUE FUE, iluminando el camino, gracias a la voluntad de lucha de UN PUEBLO QUE SE HA NEGADO A PERECER y en sintonia con su Lider.

El fenomeno de las “Midterm Elections” hay que mirarlo de esta manera: Paul Ryan tuvo mucho que ver con la perdida de la Camara. La Camara se limpio de RINO’S y en el Senado aumento la mayoria que ya habia, un poco mas, asi las cosas, todos los Republicanos quedaron CLARISIMOS, de que de los que quedaron vivos politicamente, la gran mayoria fueron los que apoyan a Trump, bien por conviccion o por buen olfato politico. Aun asi, la cosa pudo haber sido peor, al menos la Politica Exterior queda en manos de TRUMP y el Senado lo tiene mas comodo, asi como con la mayoria de las Gobernaciones en los Estados.
El Pais va a estar crispado, es cierto, mas aun de lo que ha estado desde que Trump ha asumido el Mando de la Nacion, que ya es demasiado, pero de esa crispacion, no van a ganar votos los Democratas, sino que van a perderlos.  Esa atmosfera que van a crear en su contra, tiene un precio, que es que en el 2020 no quede un Americano con cerebro, que no entienda que los Democratas tienen un unico plan, que es odiar y obstruir, solo por ambicion de poder y eso se va a dilucidar con casi total seguridad en las Urnas, desfavorablemente para ellos.

Sessions esta fuera del juego y Jim Acosta ha sido sacado a patadas retirandosele su acreditacion como Periodista a LA CASA BLANCA, ambas cosas en el mismo dia, lo cual es todo un mensaje.
Al final no hubo OLA, ni azul ni roja, es una pena que no sucediera la segunda, el Pais esta peligrosamente polarizado, aunque la prudencia indicaba no esperarlas, en cambio si podia esperarse un cuadro similar al de 2016 y asi ha resultado.

Si quieren los Democratas y la Prensa hacer Politica como si fuera un show de TV, creo que lo van a hacer contra el hombre equivocado, que sabe de shows de TV mucho mas que ellos.
Hubiera sido perfecto tener la camara, pero no tenerla va a ser casi igual que cuando se tenia con Paul Ryan y los RINO’S como remora, lo que se esta viviendo es un complejo Ajedrez Politico.  Curbelo y Maria Elvira? Pues es una pena que perdieran porque hubieran sido votos para la causa que nos ocupa en este Blog, la de Cuba…Bueno, quiza ! Porque en los temas no cubanos hubieran sido otra Ileana Ross y los RINO’S siempre fueron “Buenos” para los Democratas (lease el Partido favorito del Castrismo).

Si alguien aun tiene dudas acerca de que lado esta el Castrocomunismo en EEUU, con medio Castrismo infiltrado en su propio territorio gracias a la infame labor de ultima hora de Obama solo para perjudicar a los cubanos de la Isla y al Exilio Historico, que vea la celebracion del Gobierno Castrista por lo que ellos, en su ignorancia supina tanto de la democracia como de la historia norteamericana, suponen es una “gran Victoria” de sus favoritos.

Las elecciones fueron una gran desilusión para el liberalismo izquierdista, no hubo BLUE WAVE, pero con la toma de la Cámara de Representantes por los Demócratas, bloquearán el trabajo y cualquier iniciativa Republicana en el Congreso. Trump no podrá pasar una sola nueva ley de importancia…la Cámara queda en manos Demócratas, la cantidad de investigaciones contra Trump impulsadas obstinadamente desde ella en los próximos dos años será apabullante, lo que hará todavía más insufribles a la Prensa y los Medios, obstaculizando al pais con su descarado y descarnado liberalismo. El precio que pagarian por todo eso los Democratas, cada vez mas desbalanceados hacia la izquierda y sin mas meta que odiar a Trump y quienes lo apoyamos, sera que Trump gane por una avalancha en 2020. “Nadie sabe pa quien trabaja”

 Ahora el juego esta trancado, El  senado no podra lograr muchas cosas sin la Camara, los Democratas no pueden lesgislar sin el Senado ni con el veto de Trump y lo mas que pueden es seguir trancando el Domino a Trump, pero esa trancadera tiene un costo politico para las dos partes y habra que “negociar” como siempre se ha hecho antes. Por ejemplo, le podrian trancar a Trump su proxima rebaja de impuestos, o el muro, entonces Trump culpara a los Democratas por lo que pasa y con razon, hara Decretos Ejecutivos, que seran muy criticados y odiados.

Tambien cuando los Democratas quieran dar beneficios a sus parasitos votantes, Trump trancara a su vez esas “dadivas generosas” por onerosas y ellos le chillaran una vez mas que es el Demonio, el “enemigo de los pobres”. Asi es que la cosa solo se movera “negociando”… tu me apruebas esto y yo te apruebo aquello, tal y como siempre ha sido, es cosa de ‘balances”, asi comienza ya la campaña para las elecciones del 2020… y hay que coger Palco.

En los ultimos 21 Gobiernos de E.U. el Presidente ha perdido la Camara perdiendo unos treinta asientos como promedio en las Elecciones de Medio Termino. Trump la ha perdido esta vez por veintisiete, pero gano el Senado y en no pocos casos tambien los Presidentes habian perdido el Senado en las “Midterms” Trump tiene, a mitad de su Gobierno, mejores cifras y prestigio que las que tuvo Obama en sus dos inmerecidos mandatos y eso es evidente.

Resulta obvio que han pasado los tiempos en que “los americanos sabian elegir ejerciendo su derecho al voto sabiamente” pues ahora muchos de los electores activos son jovenes MILENIALS inexpertos, que quieren y veneran el “Socialismo” las cosas gratis, ”igualdad” (entiendase igualitarismo) o mujeres con afanes sexistas y guiadas por la “emocion” al ver esos inocentes niños en la frontera, traidos irresponsablemente por sus padres, porque solo quieren “vivir mejor” aunque INVADIENDO AZUZADOS y pagados por quienes sabemos, con consignas y vestimenta que evidencia su posicionamiento ideologico, ademas de algunos Americanos de raza negra y algunos White Trash (por suerte no una mayoria) que solo quieren oir hablar de “racismo” y que militan en Antifa.

Siete de cada diez anuncios politicos “pagados” fueron Democratas, a la “masa” le importan un carajo los bajisimos indices de desempleo, el alza de la Bolsa de Valores, lo bien que marcha la Economia, los exitos de Trump en su Politica Internacional, o cualquier logro de los que son evidentes, no, la “masa” solo quiere oir hablar de “cosas gratis” dadas por un Estado Paternalista, Demagogo y Populista.

El resultado debio ser mas demoledor, es cierto, si se votara con informacion veraz y dominio del BIG PICTURE, debio ser un GOLPE FIRME despues de tanto desproposito del Partido Democrata.  Que haya ganado un esperpento politico y monumento a la ignorancia como Ocasio en New York, una comunista confesa, discipula ideologica de Bernie Sanders y que parece no tiene dos dedos de frente, es incomprensible y es desalentador que los votantes se equivoquen de tal manera, es simple y llanamente una cosa impresentable !

Que los hayan votado y ganado la Casa y que alguien como Nancy Pelosi sea probablemente Speaker de los Democratas en el Congreso, es tambien inconcebible y que “el pueblo” cometa un error de  semejante calado es asombroso, esto sin considerar que una Palestina sea, a partir de ahora, nada mas y nada menos que Congresista de los E. U. por obra y desgracia del debilitamiento gradual de las Instituciones y que ahora a partir de aqui, no pueda gobernar Trump en mayoria absoluta para llevar a cabo su plan, es una pena. Aunque tiene el Senado en numero, no lo tiene del todo en actitud, ya que todavia algunos Republicanos en realidad actuan como antipatriotas y anti Trump, por lo cual, trabajaran presuntamente en su contra obligandolo a decretos Presidenciales IN EXTREMIS.

Lo de ganar abrumadoramente en el 2020, aunque deseable, es solo probable por el momento y tambien depende de nosotros mismos, en este periodo los Democratas, con su actitud y acritud, van a frenar todo lo frenable y los embates en contra de todo lo que diga o haga Trump aumentaran, aumentara el riesgo de IMPEACHMENT e incluso de MAGNICIDIO, debido al odio furibundo que MAGA ha despertado en todo aquel que pierde poder o ve amenazada su vision del mundo, con la posicion decidida de hacer grande de nuevo al pais, basandose en el sagrado principio de poner a AMERICA FIRST.

Pero esa victoria abrumadora puede ocurrir.


  1. 19 diciembre, 2018 a las 9:58 AM

    Tampoco dicen que anualmente hay 250,000 muertos en USA por errores medicos.

  2. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:13 AM

    Full LPAC Interview with fmr. CIA Analyst Ray McGovern

    Published on Jan 16, 2017
    On January 10, 2017, Co-Founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Ray McGovern (CIA analyst 1963-1990), sat down with LaRouchePAC’s Jason Ross to discuss claims of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections. In this 2+ hour interview, the two discuss the source of the constant Russia-baiting of the Obama Administration, the pivot to Asia, the history and corruption of the U.S. intelligence community and much, much more.

  3. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:09 AM

    Ray McGovern – Russia-gate: Can You Handle the Truth?

    Published on Aug 7, 2018
    Talk by Ray McGovern, 27-Year Veteran of the CIA and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, on «Russia-gate: Can You Handle the Truth?» recorded August 4, 2018 at the Common Good Cafe, University Temple United Methodist Church, Seattle.

  4. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:53 AM

    The Truth About The Crusades

  5. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:50 AM

    The Rush Limbaugh Show Video Dec 18, 2018 FUULL SHOW

  6. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:44 AM

  7. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:37 AM

  8. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:34 AM


    By Lisa Haven

    Should we be worried about the creation of artificial intelligence? For me, this is a simple question with an even simpler, three letter answer: yes. Many people, including the late physicist Stephen Hawking, have raised concerns that the rise of powerful AI systems could spell the end for humanity.

    In the video below, I delve into a few reason technology should concern us all. Especially when scientists entertain the idea of giving machines their own ‘reasonings skills’ and the ability to deny a direct order from humans.

    All that and more below…

  9. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:32 AM

    December 19, 2018
    The Oscar Worldview
    By Aaron Brown

    Identity and intersectionality politics has won a hollow victory. Tweets surfaced from circa 2011 by comedian Kevin Hart. The tweets disparaged the homosexual community, which caused the Oscars committee to communicate to Hart that if he issued a public apology, he could continue as host of the Oscars.

    Instead, Hart chose to step down. His rationale is that he is a different person in 2018 than he was in 2011, and providing some coerced, obligatory apology is not in anyone’s best interest. Hart’s decision was not atonement enough for Chad Griffin, President of the Human Rights Campaign. Griffin Tweeted, “You have a rare opportunity to take responsibility, teach people in this moment, & send a message to LGBTQ youth that they matter & deserve dignity and respect. You say you’ve grown. Show us. Make amends for hurtful things you’ve said & affirm LGBTQ people.”

    The irony of a marginalized people group calling out another marginalized people group is not lost on the masses. Many respondents to Chad’s tweet queried as to what more could Kevin Hart do? How can Hart atone? What can wash away Kevin’s sins?

    As many are scratching their heads trying to make sense of King’s demands on Hart, a great conundrum still faces the Oscars: who will be the high priest of 2019’s Oscars?

    In their collective work, Understanding the Times, Myers and Nobel, define a worldview as “a pattern of ideas, beliefs, convictions, and habits that help us make sense of God, the world and our relationship to God and the world.” A worldview is religious in nature and everyone has a worldview, even those who are atheists or not traditionally religious hold values and beliefs similar to the religious. Progressivism is a worldview because it has a pattern of ideas, beliefs, convictions, and habits. There are progressives who ascribe to a deity and others that do not, but lack of a deity does not relieve the religious element. Progressives use their worldview to make sense of the world around them in order to develop practices to live out their values.

    Progressive ideas, beliefs, and convictions may sound familiar: when they go low, we go high. A woman’s right to choose. Universal healthcare is a human right. Open borders. Millions will die. Real socialism has never been tried. Common sense gun control. Hate speech is not free speech. Fascist anti-fascism.

    For progressivism to make sense of the world and its relationship with a deity, the Marxist worldview is a great start. Marx and Engels embraced Darwinian evolution, which dispensed of a deity and created the belief that humanity is linearly evolving into a more enlightened people. The first step to a better world is “God is dead” and “we are his murderers,” which opened the door for subjective instead of objective morality. Progressivism follows suit with communist and evolutionary ideologies, yet makes room for a deity as long as that deity is not insulting or contradictory to a rival deity. Much of this ideology culminated in the Humanist Manifestos of 1933, 1973, and 2003. Also, many religions hold there is a dark or evil force challenging the journey to eternal peace. For progressives, Donald Trump is that evil force who ushered in the American apocalypse with the defeat to the heir of Utopia.

    As far as convictions and habits, these beliefs seem to be carried out via marches, constant denouncements of Trump, condemnations of racism to anyone who disagrees with progressivism, ANTIFA violence, disruptions of college campus assemblies, virtue signaling on social media, and the list could go on. Another place the progressive worldview is showcased is in the religious observance of the annual Oscars and its deity: the golden Oscar. The elite of Hollywood gather to worship and sacrifice to the Oscar, similar to the pagan elite of antiquity who came to sacrifice to Dagon or Mithras. The wealthy get the best worship experiences.

    Remember, a worldview aids the worldview holder in making sense out of the world. If one reads through the transcript of Jimmy Kimmel’s 2018 Oscar monologue, one will see Kimmel, serving as high priest at the Oscar’s church service, makes sense of the world at various points. He denounces the misogyny of Hollywood (the Hollywood everyone is there to celebrate). He neglects to confess the sins of his former show in which he paraded scantily clad women on trampolines so their bouncing breasts would keep ratings high, and he praises the inclusivity of the Oscars while also condemning the lack of inclusivity. After a quick jab at America’s Founding Fathers, he brings everyone’s attention to Saint Streep, the patron saint of Hollywood progressivism. In 2017, high priest Kimmel used the progressive worldview to make sense of the world by asking Streep to stand for applause while he contrasted her saintliness to the dark forces of Donald and Ivanka Trump. Finally, Kimmel informs everyone the platform (or pulpit) is a place for the winners of awards to champion and communicate the progressive worldview to America.

    To deny that progressivism is a religion is to ignore its worldview and religious elements. The Oscars committee has a challenge on its hands to ensure progressive America is reminded of all it believes. Now that Kevin Hart is no longer the high priest of the Oscars, the committee must find a worthy high priest to preach the progressive worldview’s beliefs, habits, convictions, and ideas. The committee must find a high priest who will make sense out of the world, and discern the forces of evil working against progressivism.

  10. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:27 AM

  11. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:25 AM

  12. Romalh
    19 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:18 AM

    Ahora, para los que tengan Netflix y les guste profundizar en la historia:

    Magnifica serie Rusa, primera temporada titulada Trotski (2017), de tan buena realizacion como la pelicula El Almirante pero en ocho capitulos, NO SE LA PIERDAN.

    Aqui el trailer oficial

    Y aqui la serie completa (8 capitulos)………. pero ……. pero …….EN RUSO ……..
    con subtitulos en ………….. SERVIO ….. asi que busquen ….. Netflix

    Tengo la esperanza, y espero asi sea, que las siguientes temporadas sean dedicadas a otros personajes DE ESA MISMA NEFASTA HISTORIA y con el mismo rigor que esta primera temporada con relacion a Trotski.

  13. 19 diciembre, 2018 a las 2:47 AM

  14. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 10:25 AM


    El Imperio del Mal y los Amos del Mundo

  15. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 9:34 AM


  16. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 9:30 AM


  17. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 9:24 AM


    Swan Lake Suite Piter Tchaikovesky

  18. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 9:22 AM

    Bueno, y hasta aqui se elevo el arte en pasadas epocas, hasta que decidieron tirarlo al piso y por aqui vamos en el siglo XXI para verguenza de todos:

    J. Balvin – Reggaeton (Official Video)

    Best Rap Songs Of 2018




  19. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 9:11 AM

    Tiffany Poon (2018) – Liszt Liebestraum No.3

    Chopin Nocturne E Flat Major Op.9 No.2

  20. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:59 AM

    Dvořák Symphony No 9 «New World» Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker

  21. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:56 AM

    Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 23 – Anna Fedorova – Live Concert HD

    Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto no.2 op.18 – Anna Fedorova – Complete Live Concert – HD

    Anna Fedorova Ravel «Gaspard de la nuit»

  22. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:48 AM

    Julia Fischer – Violin Concerto in A Minor, Op. 53 (Antonin Dvorak)

    Mendelssohn Violin Concerto E Minor OP.64 (Full Length) : Hilary Hahn & FRSO

    BEETHOVEN Concerto for Violin and Orchestra – Hilary Hahn, violin

    Julia Fischer – Tchaikovsky – Violin Concerto in D major, Op 35

  23. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:24 AM

    «Ahora la opinión del sabio y la del ignorante valen lo mismo;
    es una época demagógica»

  24. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:22 AM

    Ingeniería social (tertulia de Lágrimas en la lluvia – 50)

  25. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:19 AM

    AZERBAIYÁN, el nuevo ALIADO de PUTIN y BRUSELAS – VisualPolitik

  26. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:15 AM

    How China’s Global Power Created the «Deplorables»

    China, Trade and Power Book Launch

    Streamed live on Oct 24, 2018
    Since China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, its economy has grown at a breakneck pace to become the world’s second largest. With its newfound economic sway, China has been rewriting the rules in East Asia and around the globe. In his newest book, China, Trade and Power, author Stewart Paterson argues that China’s WTO accession created this situation, precipitating numerous unforeseen negative consequences for the Western liberal order and weakening economic stability and growth for developed nations.

  27. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:08 AM

  28. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:06 AM

    “Global Pact for Migration” in black and white: There is no return!

  29. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:03 AM

    5G – Fifth Generation of Mobile Communications
    – 5 Reasons to oppose it |

  30. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:57 AM

    Mueller files heavily redacted Flynn interview report

    Rep. Issa: Michael Flynn was trapped into a lie

    Dershowitz: Michael Flynn did not commit a crime by lying

  31. raulizquierdo2009
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:46 AM

    Me mandan una foto de Toronto con su torre iluminada de azul y pregunto lo que significa porque aqui el Empire segun festividad y fechas se vas iluminando de diferentes colores, entonces me responde que es por «el dia Internacional antibulling» y no puedo dejar de sorprenderme, porque cuando un Estado se dedica a estas tonterias, no creo que sea necesariamente porque el Pais sea muy avanzado y desarrollado, creo que eso da una medida de que el Pais esta comiendo mierda, porque los gobiernos que carajo tienen que hacer con consignitas luminicas a nivel urbano (que ademas tienen un costo) solidarizandose con los «trajinados» de toda la vida ?
    No puedo dejar de pensar en como sobrevivimos nosotros y llegamos a viejos, sin esa inestimable solidaridad del Estado ? Y tengo la respuesta muy sencilla que al menos es mi caso: No dejandonos trajinar defendiendonos a trompones con quien fuera el trajinador, punetado en la nariz, un poco de sangre y fuera, con la ventaja aniadida de que al ser zurdo, no se esperaban el «izquierdazo» nunca mejor dicho.
    Si el Estado nos hubiera defendido habramos sido hoy pendejos…I guess ! Pero la Torre de Toronto, por ser politicamente correcto el Trudeaucito, se ilumina de azules y asi el dia del orgullo gay lo hara con los colores del apastelado arcoiris ( sera eso en alusion a la descomposicion ??? de la luz, o de la moral)
    El Bobo dice que llegara el dia en que un mariconcito participe en un cretamen de Miss, pero eso ya es un hecho, acaba de mandar Espana al Miss Universo a un tio. Claro, ellos los mas progres del globalismo !

  32. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:59 AM


    By Lisa Haven

    “There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose it!” JFK

    That was the stark warning given to every American citizen back in 1963 just seven days before President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Whatever information he was about to release, ultimately led to this death. They silenced him before he could make the information public.

    Today, I have the eerie feeling that this same “entity”, now known as the “Deep State”, has been allowed to not only flourish and grow since JFK but now, they control a mass majority of the federal government.

    The same people that haunted JFK, are the same people that President Trump is standing against today.

    With this in mind, one must ask, “Who is Really in charge of the federal government?”

    All that and more below…

  33. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:56 AM

    December 18, 2018
    The FBI’s Flynn Interview Was Not Legitimate
    By Mark Wauck
    As the slow-motion drama of the Michael Flynn prosecution winds slowly toward sentencing today, it has become increasingly clear that the conservative commentariat feels conflicted. On the one hand, they can’t approve of what appear to be lies on the part of Flynn — inexplicable as this appears to have been in the circumstances (Flynn knew that the FBI had a recording of his conversation with the Russian Ambassador).

    On the other hand, there seems to be something distinctly fishy about the entire case against Flynn. The evidence of investigative and prosecutorial misconduct — possibly including criminal acts — has become overwhelming. Nor has Robert Mueller’s reply to the Flynn response to the sentencing memorandum allayed any of those misgivings — quite the contrary, as Scott Johnson (one of the Powerline bloggers) puts it:

    I find the reply memo to be a shocking document. Something does not compute.

    Something is clearly wrong with it all. Whether or not Flynn lied, it all seems so unfair, including the very way in which the agents conducted the interview. Another of the Powerline bloggers, Paul MIrengoff nicely sums up what we instinctively know was going on:

    There’s no mystery about what happened to Flynn. Towards the end of the Obama administration, this decorated General and top intelligence official left the government and became the leading critic of the administration’s national security policy.

    Compounding his offenses against the deep state, Flynn joined the Trump campaign team. …

    For the deep state, this was the last straw. Once Flynn was named Trump’s national security adviser, it sought revenge. …

    Yet, the question arises: Is there a legally principled way to address the Flynn situation, one which does justice to Flynn — despite his misconduct — but preserves the integrity of our justice system and, crucially, of our courts? I believe there is and addressed it this past Saturday.

    The solution should, in fact, be glaringly obvious, but has escaped notice — most likely because it requires an examination of the basic principles underlying law enforcement in our constitutional system. In our system of law, the State is not authorized to simply test its citizens — citizens are entitled to be left alone unless law enforcement has some articulable reason for approaching them. Let me state this very bluntly, with application to the Flynn case, before examining it in more detail:

    False statement traps are not official FBI business. The FBI has no authority to interview random people to see whether they will lie. They must have an articulable reason for the interview to begin — one that flows from their official duties. All else must follow from that.

    In light of this principle, the first question that arises with regard to the FBI’s approach to Flynn is clear: What reason did the FBI have to interview Flynn?

    Presumably they could have asked him about any of the matters for which Flynn was being investigated — but they didn’t. They had no articulable official reason, for the simple reason that Flynn’s contacts with the Russian ambassador were perfectly proper and legal. Thus the vagueness of the rationale that McCabe presented to Flynn before he sent the two agents to the White House:

    “I explained that in light of the significant media coverage and public discussion about his recent contacts with Russian representatives, that [FBI] Director [James] Comey and I felt that we needed to have two of our agents sit down with the General and hear from him the details of those conversations.” [emphases added]

    This is absurd. Is the FBI in the PR business for the White House, or even for the Intelligence Community? Is the FBI some sort of watchdog over foreign policy? Why should the FBI want to hear the details of the perfectly proper conversation from Flynn — second hand — when they already had a recording of the conversation? In any event, listening to Flynn’s second-hand account could add no further details. In fact, Flynn’s second-hand account would certainly be less reliable and accurate than the recording of the conversation. And that was the point that the gullible Flynn missed. Mirengoff states it succinctly:

    Because the agents knew the contents, it was unnecessary to ask Flynn about them. The purpose of the interview surely was to see if Flynn would lie.

    Further, if Flynn were being interviewed because of a criminal violation on his part — the only valid reason for interviewing him in the circumstances — then the agents should have pursued a line of questioning that tracked the elements of some criminal offense. But they didn’t. Instead, they proceeded with a preset strategy that they hoped would elicit statements — any statements — that could be interpreted as false. The interview was a test for Flynn, a trap, as Mueller himself makes crystal clear in his Reply Memorandum, that document that Johnson says «does not compute»:

    During the interview, the FBI agents gave the defendant multiple opportunities to correct his false statements by revisiting key questions. When the defendant said he did not remember something they knew he said, they used the exact words the defendant had used in order to prompt a truthful response.

    «To prompt a truthful response?» Regarding «something they knew he said» and Flynn knew they knew? The FBI already knew the truth! Put yourself in Flynn’s position. How would you like to be interviewed by the FBI regarding a conversation you had had that was perfectly proper and which they had recorded? Wouldn’t you wonder what business it was of theirs, for starters, and why they needed to get your account anyway? And yet how many people would submit to the interview, thinking apparently like Flynn, well, it’s the FBI — I guess I have to go along with this! And then it turns out that it’s simply a test — a test of your «truthfulness»!

    And so the answer seems clear: the interview was designed as a false statement trap. This appears to have been confirmed by McCabe himself, during his testimony to the House. The Hill’s account of the report provides interesting details:

    Although Deputy Director McCabe acknowledged that ‘the two people who interviewed [Flynn] didn’t think he was lying, [which] was not [a] great beginning of a false statement case,’ General Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of making false statements on December 1, 2017,” a newly unredacted part of the report reads.

    The document also says top government officials had conflicting reports about why the two agents were interviewing Flynn in the first place.

    The committee “received conflicting testimony” from Comey, McCabe, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mary McCord about the «primary purpose» of the interview, the report states.

    The report claims that these top FBI and Justice Department officials had different answers regarding whether the agents were “investigating misleading statements to the Vice President, which the Vice President echoed publicly about the content of this calls; a possible violation of the Logan Act; or a desire top obtain more information as part of the counterintelligence investigation into General Flynn.

    Let’s begin at the top: «not a great beginning of a false statement case.» In other words, the visit of the agents to Flynn’s office was the beginning of a false statement case. But the FBI is not authorized to go around testing the veracity of random citizens: they must have an articulable official reason. Consider this hypothetical that I hope will present the issue in an even broader light.

    Suppose you’re an FBI agent. At lunch one day you leave your office and go around the corner to, let’s say, a hardware store. The proprietor knows you to be an FBI agent. You ask for his recommendation for some article and he responds, praising a particular product with inflated claims. You purchase it but are soon dissatisfied, believing that the proprietor deceived you. Did the proprietor «lie to the FBI?» Should you, the agent, open an investigation against the proprietor for making a «false statement to the FBI?» Clearly not. And why not? Because you didn’t purchase the product as part of your official duties, even though you were on official duty at the time — you had left the office with your full complement of Bureau-issued paraphernalia, badge and gun and were vigilant for any criminal activity as you walked to the store.

    The two agents who interviewed Flynn certainly presented themselves as being on official duty, pursuing an official task — but where they really? The answer must be: No. They were simply testing Flynn, without pursuing a line of questioning that pertained to any suspected crime or other matter that fell under the FBI’s responsibilities. The interview was a pretext of acting in the course of official duty; it was a setup, not an investigation.

    The testimony of the other officials confirms this. Their inability to offer consistent rationales indicates that, even months later when they had had ample time to get their stories right, they were unsure of any justification. Reports of Yates’ anger at Comey’s precipitous decision to set a false statement trap for Flynn make perfect sense in that light: a competent attorney for Flynn would have attacked the case from this standpoint. What were the conflicting rationales that they offered?

    Misleading statements made by Flynn to the Vice President, Mike Pence. That was wrong of Flynn, no doubt, and ended up being grounds for Flynn’s dismissal, but it’s notable that they those misleading statements were not used as the basis for any indictment. After all, would we really want to outlaw all politics, all bureaucratic infighting and posterior-covering? Where would be the end of it?
    The Logan Act. Again, there’s a good reason why that wasn’t pursued. The same reason that other public figures who, for example, travel to foreign countries to plead for the release of captives are not prosecuted. Not to mention constitutional problems.
    The ongoing counterintelligence investigation into Flynn. In that case, why did the agents not question Flynn on that subject?
    Clearly the rationales offered to the House were no more than CYA excuses, made necessary by the FBI’s ill-considered action. Of course, Flynn had behaved badly — as he had done with regard to his foreign agent consultancy — but this was a matter for the White House to sort out, as it did soon enough. But our point is simple: the FBI had no official reason to test Flynn’s recollection of a conversation that the FBI already possessed in recorded form. Therefore, if a prosecutor should bring a case based on an FBI «false statement test,» any court should refuse to take notice of the case. The case should be dismissed as failing to show that any crime has been committed.

    No court should allow the FBI to set itself up as a self-appointed tester of the truthfulness of the citizenry, absent an articulable reason related to the FBI’s official duties. It’s not about approving Flynn’s conduct. It’s about preserving our basic constitutional rights and preventing unprincipled FBI and DoJ officials from turning out country into a police state.

  34. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:54 AM

    December 18, 2018
    The LGBTQ Hart Attack Is a Good Thing
    By Lloyd Marcus
    While I am not suggesting that we should experience schadenfreude, the LGBTQ enforcers attempt to viciously destroy the career of comedian/actor Kevin Hart for tweets he made nine years ago is encouraging. Finally, even leftists are beginning to see the take-no-prisoners intolerance and bullying LGBTQ enforcers have been applying to everyone who does not celebrate their lifestyle.

    Many of us have been sounding the alarm for years that LGBTQ enforcers are relentlessly targeting Christian businesses for destruction; solely for the purpose of forcing Christians to betray their God by bending a knee in worship of leftists’ god of debauchery.

    German pastor Martin Niemoller was imprisoned in Dachau concentration camp from 1941-1945. In his famous poem, Niemoller laments that when they came for the Communists, Socialists, Trade Unionists, and Jews he did not speak out because he was none of these. Niemoller wrote, “And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.”

    Not only did leftists not speak out against LGBTQ bullying, they cheered when LGBTQ bullies came for Sweet Cakes by Melissa. The Christian bakery happily served their lesbian customers for several years. When they asked them to bake a cake for her lesbian wedding, the owners said to do so would betray their faith. The husband and wife bakery owners with five kids were driven out of business.

    Well now, LGBTQ enforcers have come for Kevin Hart who many leftists consider one of their own.

    Leftist Snoop Dogg, who shot president Trump in the head in his music video passionately expressed his support for Hart. Several leftist celebs are expressing their support for Hart. As I stated, the good news for America in the Hart attacks is leftists are waking up and smelling the tyranny coming from their side of the political aisle by LGBTQ enforcers.

    “The Devil’s greatest achievement is convincing people that he does not exist.” LGBTQ enforcers’ greatest achievement and deception is convincing people they are the victims and we, mainstream Americans, are the aggressors.

    Kevin Hart was scheduled to host the Oscars. In a video, Hart said, “I swear man, our world is becoming beyond crazy. My team calls me, Oh my God Kevin. The world is upset about tweets you did years ago. Oh my God.” LGBTQ enforcers deemed Hart’s nine-year-old tweets anti-homosexual.

    Hart received a call from the Academy telling him to apologize again for his old tweets or be replaced as host of the Oscars. Hart said he has repeatedly addressed the issue and acknowledged the rights and wrongs. Hart said he has evolved since making the tweets years ago. Hart said to apologize again for something so far in the past would be a step backwards rather than moving forward. Therefore, he chose to pass on hosting the Oscars.

    The American left’s response was mixed. Many rallied behind Hart. Others were furious over Hart refusing to apologize, calling him defiant. Leftist Kathy Griffin disturbed millions with her photo in which she held a bloody severed head of president Trump. In response to Hart refusing to apologize again, Griffin said, “F*** him”.

    Hart did not realize that LGBTQ enforcers have zero-tolerance for anyone who does not fully embrace the lifestyle. Anyone who dares to dis the LGBTQ lifestyle in the slightest must fall on his face and beg forgiveness or suffer complete personal destruction.

    Many Americans believe the LGBTQ community is 23% or more of the population. The truth is, they are 3.4 percent.

    Witnessing LGBTQ enforcers’ relentless media assault on Hart and their efforts to destroy him, I could not help thinking, “Welcome to our world, Mr. Hart.” This is the tyrannical assault on free speech Americans face every day by the LGBTQ thought police. Again, I take no pleasure in seeing Mr. Hart suffer.

    It was stunning to hear even extreme leftist Joy Behar and leftist women on The View say the attack on Hart puts all comedians at risk. Numerous other high-profile leftist voices are speaking out in agreement.

    Folks, LGBTQ enforcers attacking Hart is a real eye-opener for many Americans — a small victory in the war between totalitarian political correctness and constitutional free speech.

  35. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:48 AM

  36. Romalh
    18 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:41 AM

    Manhattan Town Hall Meeting: ‘Experts’ Still Haven’t Learned the Lesson of 2008

    ‘Experts’ Can Tell You a Financial Blowout is Imminent, but Can’t Solve It

  37. raulizquierdo2009
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 10:08 PM

    Una trompetilla para esa afirmacion del Cagandante !

  38. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:59 PM

    Bueno, aqui otra «INTERPRETACION» sobre la tapa de THE ECONOMIST, pero este, a diferencia del de TLV1 que intento hacerlo con total seriedad, me parecio que fumo algo antes, pero bueno, algo se puede sacar tambien de este analisis pues de forma oscilante meezcla ‘globos’ con verdades.

  39. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:51 PM


  40. 17 diciembre, 2018 a las 12:52 PM

  41. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 12:34 PM

  42. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 12:26 PM

    Podran discrepar de Gloria en algunas cosas, pero todos estaran de acuerdo con su minifaldita ja ja
    Llevas toda la razon, las discrepancias con ella nunca han tenido que ver con su minifalda, sino por su postura contra Donald Trump, pero si se postula yo seria el primero en votar por ella, con la observacion que hizo el bloguero del video que traje anteriormente: VOX y la disidencia controlada en España, donde el garantiza que aunque esta convencido que VOX es disidencia controlada, tambien el votaria por VOX.
    Y es que ciertamente, muchos discursos disidentes pueblan hoy el espectro politico mundial, y en su dia farsantes como Pablo Iglesias lograron hacer su exitosa jornada (para su propio beneficio), y tanto VOX como Gloria Alvarez pudiesen estar en plantillas similares.
    Hago el comentario porque el bloguero dio una solucion DIGNA DE ATENCION:

    Dice que a estos partidos contestatarios HAY QUE DARLES EL MAXIMO PODER POSIBLE pues lo clasico en la disidencia fabricada es DEJARSE VENCER PARLAMENTARIAMENTE para despues alegar que:


    y efectivamente, no hay mejor tactica PARA UNA OPOSICION FABRICADA que tomar el poder con el discurso que la gente desea escuchar ……. y despues dejarse vencer ‘PARLAMENTARIAMENTE’ para alegar que


    Les recomiendo a todos ver ese video, donde por supuesto nada de lo dicho es lapidario, unirlo a nuestra historia reciente con Obama y su ‘change we need’, y lo poco y para mal que cambio todo, para comprender LA ESCENCIA DE ESTAS TACTICAS, y rezar ….. mucho rezar …… PARA QUE DONALD TRUMP NO SEA MAS DE LO MISMO.

  43. el bobo de la yuca
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 9:12 AM

    Podran discrepar de Gloria en algunas cosas, pero todos estaran de acuerdo con su minifaldita ja ja

  44. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:41 AM
  45. el bobo de la yuca
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:35 AM

    Esta de moda presentar mariconcitos , o travestis, en concurso de belleza femenina

    En cualquier momento veran un mariconcito de Miss Universo…
    Porque las feminazis no protestan por esto?

  46. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:35 AM

    VOX y la disidencia controlada en España | Política para listos

  47. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:23 AM


  48. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:55 AM

    Bueno, aqui traje el video titulado: Mañana este vídeo será ILEGAL, mas por curiosidad que por otra cosa, pues el ponente viste una camisa roja con lo que a mi ver es la cara del che guevara, en fin, hemos dicho que mas de un grupo o persona que calificaba como de izquierda tienen un discurso muy parecido a lo que pretenden vender como ultraderecha.

  49. el bobo de la yuca
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:44 AM

    Ya en Venezuela la situacion politico- economica no es prioridad….
    Solo se habla hace dos semanas de unos pernilitos que Maduro esta «dando» y que si toca a una libra por persona es mucho….

    Pero no se preocupen por Venezuela… recuerden que «los venezolanos no son los cubanos»..

  50. el bobo de la yuca
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:40 AM

    En Cuba inauguraron un Amazoncito
    Solo funciona en la tienda de 5a y 42 Miramar

    Hay que tener la paciencia de Job para conectarse al website con lentitud exasperante; y lo primero que te advierten es que NO es un sitio seguro debido al imperialismo y bla bla…
    Despues tienes suerte si encuentras lo que buscas, y con una sola opcion por supuesto
    Y ahora viene lo bueno:- Tienes que ir a la tienda y en PERSONA a recoger la mercancia
    dicen que mas adelante tendran transporte para llevartelo a la casa sino esta roto el camion, sino se robaron la gasolina y si el chofer fue a trabajar…. ja ja ja… pa cuando eso llegue ya aqui en Yuma un dron-robotico te lleva la mercancia a la casa y te dice_:- Buenos dias, y gracias por comprar

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