11 noviembre, 2018

Por Los 4 Gatos

“Habría amado la libertad, creo yo en cualquier época, pero en los tiempos que vivimos me siento inclinado a adorarla.” Tocqueville

Las elecciones de medio termino han sido una verdadera medicion de fuerzas, pero la principal fuerza que midio, fue la del valor real de la PRENSA Y LOS MEDIOS, otrora omnipotentes y hoy capaces solo de mover a LAS MENTES MAS DEBILES.

Los diferentes ataques cometidos poco antes de estas Elecciones en los E. U. todos en apariencias coordinados, muestran la fatídica atmósfera política del país, lo cual no nos augura nada bueno.

Sin dudas, parte de la maquinaria del Marxismo Cultural, conjuntamente con el Sistema de “deformacion” Educativo, le han TIRADO CON TODO a estas Elecciones y lo que sucede, no obstante, es que se han estrellado contra esa CONTENCION inamovible que conocemos como DONALD TRUMP y su decidido Movimiento: AMERICA FIRST !
Es increible y parecia inconcebible, que este Movimiento, nacido de los ESTERTORES AGONICOS de una Republica de Estados Unidos Federales, que ya parecia ahogada por tantas mentiras bien urdidas y mejor coordinadas, pudiese contra todo pronostico, hacerla renacer de sus cenizas como Ave Fenix despues de tantas decadas nefastas de INFLUENCIAS MALIGNAS.

Para tantos recursos que fueron invertidos, bastante poco ha sido el efecto, aunque si hay que reconocer que donde mas nos duele es en nuestros JOVENES MILENIALS, clarisimamente afectados por PROPAGANDA Y LA EDUCACION DEFORMADA, ambas implementadas al mejor estilo de la ESCUELA DE FRANKFURT.
Hoy vimos claramente como ese proceso se ha materializado, en vertientes como son la Ideolologia de Genero y el Feminismo Radical entre otras, una intentanto usar como arriete contra la estabilidad social a un grupo claramente minoritario y el otro intentando fragmentar a su favor a la mitad de la ESPECIE HUMANA, en contra de la otra, como si fuese posible “disolver” con propaganda absurda lo que la LEY NATURAL CON BASE BIOLOGICA ha definido eternamente.

Mientras tanto, en esas estamos, cualquier CONFUSION social les es buena, cualquier CONFUNDIDO les es util y ello puede ser un arma para estos inescrupulosos que estan pretendiendo disolver hasta la mas sagrada de las Instituciones Humanas: LA FAMILIA.

En fin, Caravanas de INVASORES A PEDIDO y simultaneas, Auto-atentados con unas “bombas” muy raras que no llegan a sus destinos y QUE NO ESTALLAN,  Dolorosas y sospechosas MUERTES REALES en medio de un clima toxico y enrarecido,  Aumento a destiempo de los INTERESES por parte de la RESERVA FEDERAL, en fin, todo… SOSPECHOSAMENTE  planeado en un Paquete y ATIEMPADO con estas “Midterm Elections”.

Que mas podriamos decir ? Pues poco mas…Que aun asi, TRUMP Y SU PROYECTO siguen adelante decididamente y de paso, aprovechando los golpes, hacer LIMPIEZA COLATERAL, que viene muy bien como parte del DRENAJE NECESARIO al podrido PANTANO POLITICO de los que ya se sentian duenos de la Nacion.
Vivimos momentos especiales, diriase que SAGRADOS, tiempos que nos mereceran la pena, o la Gloria de ser vividos, viendo como LA UNION DE ESTADOS AMERICANOS que durante Siglos ILUMINO AL MUNDO  y a la que falsos patriotas habian venido apagando, COMIENZA DE NUEVO A SER LA QUE FUE, iluminando el camino, gracias a la voluntad de lucha de UN PUEBLO QUE SE HA NEGADO A PERECER y en sintonia con su Lider.

El fenomeno de las “Midterm Elections” hay que mirarlo de esta manera: Paul Ryan tuvo mucho que ver con la perdida de la Camara. La Camara se limpio de RINO’S y en el Senado aumento la mayoria que ya habia, un poco mas, asi las cosas, todos los Republicanos quedaron CLARISIMOS, de que de los que quedaron vivos politicamente, la gran mayoria fueron los que apoyan a Trump, bien por conviccion o por buen olfato politico. Aun asi, la cosa pudo haber sido peor, al menos la Politica Exterior queda en manos de TRUMP y el Senado lo tiene mas comodo, asi como con la mayoria de las Gobernaciones en los Estados.
El Pais va a estar crispado, es cierto, mas aun de lo que ha estado desde que Trump ha asumido el Mando de la Nacion, que ya es demasiado, pero de esa crispacion, no van a ganar votos los Democratas, sino que van a perderlos.  Esa atmosfera que van a crear en su contra, tiene un precio, que es que en el 2020 no quede un Americano con cerebro, que no entienda que los Democratas tienen un unico plan, que es odiar y obstruir, solo por ambicion de poder y eso se va a dilucidar con casi total seguridad en las Urnas, desfavorablemente para ellos.

Sessions esta fuera del juego y Jim Acosta ha sido sacado a patadas retirandosele su acreditacion como Periodista a LA CASA BLANCA, ambas cosas en el mismo dia, lo cual es todo un mensaje.
Al final no hubo OLA, ni azul ni roja, es una pena que no sucediera la segunda, el Pais esta peligrosamente polarizado, aunque la prudencia indicaba no esperarlas, en cambio si podia esperarse un cuadro similar al de 2016 y asi ha resultado.

Si quieren los Democratas y la Prensa hacer Politica como si fuera un show de TV, creo que lo van a hacer contra el hombre equivocado, que sabe de shows de TV mucho mas que ellos.
Hubiera sido perfecto tener la camara, pero no tenerla va a ser casi igual que cuando se tenia con Paul Ryan y los RINO’S como remora, lo que se esta viviendo es un complejo Ajedrez Politico.  Curbelo y Maria Elvira? Pues es una pena que perdieran porque hubieran sido votos para la causa que nos ocupa en este Blog, la de Cuba…Bueno, quiza ! Porque en los temas no cubanos hubieran sido otra Ileana Ross y los RINO’S siempre fueron “Buenos” para los Democratas (lease el Partido favorito del Castrismo).

Si alguien aun tiene dudas acerca de que lado esta el Castrocomunismo en EEUU, con medio Castrismo infiltrado en su propio territorio gracias a la infame labor de ultima hora de Obama solo para perjudicar a los cubanos de la Isla y al Exilio Historico, que vea la celebracion del Gobierno Castrista por lo que ellos, en su ignorancia supina tanto de la democracia como de la historia norteamericana, suponen es una “gran Victoria” de sus favoritos.

Las elecciones fueron una gran desilusión para el liberalismo izquierdista, no hubo BLUE WAVE, pero con la toma de la Cámara de Representantes por los Demócratas, bloquearán el trabajo y cualquier iniciativa Republicana en el Congreso. Trump no podrá pasar una sola nueva ley de importancia…la Cámara queda en manos Demócratas, la cantidad de investigaciones contra Trump impulsadas obstinadamente desde ella en los próximos dos años será apabullante, lo que hará todavía más insufribles a la Prensa y los Medios, obstaculizando al pais con su descarado y descarnado liberalismo. El precio que pagarian por todo eso los Democratas, cada vez mas desbalanceados hacia la izquierda y sin mas meta que odiar a Trump y quienes lo apoyamos, sera que Trump gane por una avalancha en 2020. “Nadie sabe pa quien trabaja”

 Ahora el juego esta trancado, El  senado no podra lograr muchas cosas sin la Camara, los Democratas no pueden lesgislar sin el Senado ni con el veto de Trump y lo mas que pueden es seguir trancando el Domino a Trump, pero esa trancadera tiene un costo politico para las dos partes y habra que “negociar” como siempre se ha hecho antes. Por ejemplo, le podrian trancar a Trump su proxima rebaja de impuestos, o el muro, entonces Trump culpara a los Democratas por lo que pasa y con razon, hara Decretos Ejecutivos, que seran muy criticados y odiados.

Tambien cuando los Democratas quieran dar beneficios a sus parasitos votantes, Trump trancara a su vez esas “dadivas generosas” por onerosas y ellos le chillaran una vez mas que es el Demonio, el “enemigo de los pobres”. Asi es que la cosa solo se movera “negociando”… tu me apruebas esto y yo te apruebo aquello, tal y como siempre ha sido, es cosa de ‘balances”, asi comienza ya la campaña para las elecciones del 2020… y hay que coger Palco.

En los ultimos 21 Gobiernos de E.U. el Presidente ha perdido la Camara perdiendo unos treinta asientos como promedio en las Elecciones de Medio Termino. Trump la ha perdido esta vez por veintisiete, pero gano el Senado y en no pocos casos tambien los Presidentes habian perdido el Senado en las “Midterms” Trump tiene, a mitad de su Gobierno, mejores cifras y prestigio que las que tuvo Obama en sus dos inmerecidos mandatos y eso es evidente.

Resulta obvio que han pasado los tiempos en que “los americanos sabian elegir ejerciendo su derecho al voto sabiamente” pues ahora muchos de los electores activos son jovenes MILENIALS inexpertos, que quieren y veneran el “Socialismo” las cosas gratis, ”igualdad” (entiendase igualitarismo) o mujeres con afanes sexistas y guiadas por la “emocion” al ver esos inocentes niños en la frontera, traidos irresponsablemente por sus padres, porque solo quieren “vivir mejor” aunque INVADIENDO AZUZADOS y pagados por quienes sabemos, con consignas y vestimenta que evidencia su posicionamiento ideologico, ademas de algunos Americanos de raza negra y algunos White Trash (por suerte no una mayoria) que solo quieren oir hablar de “racismo” y que militan en Antifa.

Siete de cada diez anuncios politicos “pagados” fueron Democratas, a la “masa” le importan un carajo los bajisimos indices de desempleo, el alza de la Bolsa de Valores, lo bien que marcha la Economia, los exitos de Trump en su Politica Internacional, o cualquier logro de los que son evidentes, no, la “masa” solo quiere oir hablar de “cosas gratis” dadas por un Estado Paternalista, Demagogo y Populista.

El resultado debio ser mas demoledor, es cierto, si se votara con informacion veraz y dominio del BIG PICTURE, debio ser un GOLPE FIRME despues de tanto desproposito del Partido Democrata.  Que haya ganado un esperpento politico y monumento a la ignorancia como Ocasio en New York, una comunista confesa, discipula ideologica de Bernie Sanders y que parece no tiene dos dedos de frente, es incomprensible y es desalentador que los votantes se equivoquen de tal manera, es simple y llanamente una cosa impresentable !

Que los hayan votado y ganado la Casa y que alguien como Nancy Pelosi sea probablemente Speaker de los Democratas en el Congreso, es tambien inconcebible y que “el pueblo” cometa un error de  semejante calado es asombroso, esto sin considerar que una Palestina sea, a partir de ahora, nada mas y nada menos que Congresista de los E. U. por obra y desgracia del debilitamiento gradual de las Instituciones y que ahora a partir de aqui, no pueda gobernar Trump en mayoria absoluta para llevar a cabo su plan, es una pena. Aunque tiene el Senado en numero, no lo tiene del todo en actitud, ya que todavia algunos Republicanos en realidad actuan como antipatriotas y anti Trump, por lo cual, trabajaran presuntamente en su contra obligandolo a decretos Presidenciales IN EXTREMIS.

Lo de ganar abrumadoramente en el 2020, aunque deseable, es solo probable por el momento y tambien depende de nosotros mismos, en este periodo los Democratas, con su actitud y acritud, van a frenar todo lo frenable y los embates en contra de todo lo que diga o haga Trump aumentaran, aumentara el riesgo de IMPEACHMENT e incluso de MAGNICIDIO, debido al odio furibundo que MAGA ha despertado en todo aquel que pierde poder o ve amenazada su vision del mundo, con la posicion decidida de hacer grande de nuevo al pais, basandose en el sagrado principio de poner a AMERICA FIRST.

Pero esa victoria abrumadora puede ocurrir.


  1. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:18 AM

    Mañana este vídeo será ILEGAL, Pacto mundial para la migración ONU de Marrakech

  2. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:46 AM

    VENEZUELA, ¿la nueva colonia de CHINA? – VisualPolitik

    Published on Nov 20, 2017
    La economía de Venezuela no da para más. El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro ha anunciado que no puede pagar sus deudas, y cada día que pasa la bancarrota inminente parece más clara. Ahora bien, ¿significa esto el final de Nicolás Maduro? ¿Por qué grandes bancos como Goldman Sachs habían apostado por la deuda venezolana? ¿Qué podemos esperar en Venezuela? ¿Qué papel está jugando China ante este escenario? No te pierdas este vídeo.

  3. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:40 AM

    Cómo VENEZUELA se convirtió en un NARCOESTADO – VisualPolitik

    Published on Aug 13, 2018
    A principios de la década de los 80, el histórico líder del Cartel de Medellín, Pablo Escobar tuvo un sueño: convertir a Colombia en un país controlado directamente por los narcos. Por fortuna para los colombianos, Pablo Escobar nunca consiguió su propósito.

    Sin embargo, 3 décadas después parece que sueño, ahora sí, se está llevando a cabo. Claro que no… en Colombia sino en Venezuela.

    Todos lo sabemos, Venezuela está atravesando una enorme crisis económica y social. La revolución bolivariana ha saqueado y quebrado prácticamente todas las riquezas del país. Pero.. eso no es todo ¿Estarán, personajes como Nicolas Maduro o Diosdado Cabello llevando a cabo el sueño de Pablo Escobar? ¿Se está convirtiendo Venezuela en un narco-estado? En este vídeo os lo contamos.

  4. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:33 AM

    La invasión CUBANA de LATINOAMÉRICA – VisualPolitik

    Published on Nov 1, 2018
    El movimiento guerrillero en América Latina se encuentra actualmente en su nivel de actividad mas bajo desde hace más de 40 años. Sin embargo, durante décadas este fenómeno revolucionario se extendió por toda Latinoamérica. En total llegaron a existir más de cien grupos guerrilleros en toda la región.

    Todo comenzó con la revolución cubana, momento a partir del cual, además, este país, Cuba, se convirtió en el centro neurálgico de todas estas guerrillas.
    Ahora bien, ¿Por qué se formaron?¿En qué consistieron?¿Cómo pudieron llegar a tener tanta repercusión? Y tal vez la pregunta más importante, ¿Cuales eran las intenciones de la Habana?¿Quiso Cuba dominar Latinoamérica? En este vídeo os lo contamos.

  5. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:19 AM


    «Estados Unidos y China van camino de la guerra»

    En este episodio de Keiser Report, Max y Stacy se preguntan si la detención de la directora financiera de Huawei estaba dirigida a que China cediera terreno en la guerra comercial. También hablan de un artículo de opinión del New York Times sobre los principales recursos de nuestro tiempo: datos e internet. En la segunda parte Max entrevista a Mish Shedlock, de, sobre si la Reserva Federal es un mayor peligro para EE.UU. que China y el síndrome de la reina roja de Japón.

  6. Romalh
    17 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:13 AM


    WSJ: Piratas chinos roban datos de la Armada de EE.UU. incluidos diseños de misiles

    Varios funcionarios de EE.UU. alertan de que los ‘hackers’ han violado la seguridad de un enorme volumen de información confidencial sobre tecnología militar, especialmente de contratistas de la fuerza naval estadounidense.

    Piratas informáticos de origen chino han robado datos de los contratistas de la fuerza naval de EE.UU., cuyo contenido incluye información altamente confidencial sobre tecnología militar avanzada, según una información de este viernes de The Wall Street Journal. Ello ha obligado a las autoridades a examinar la vulnerabilidad de los sistemas de seguridad cibernética que han permitido esta intromisión.

    Al parecer, los ataques cibernéticos han transcurrido durante los últimos 18 meses y, si bien han afectado a todas las ramas de la Armada de EE.UU., se han enfocado especialmente en los contratistas de la Marina y las fuerzas aéreas, sustrayendo información relevante, que incluye desde datos de mantenimiento de barcos hasta planes de uso de misiles.

    De acuerdo al reporte del medio, varios funcionarios, cuyos nombres no han sido publicados, describen la campaña cibernética como una de las más importantes relacionadas con China, en referencia al sabotaje de sistemas y robo de la propiedad intelectual.

  7. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:33 PM

    The Alex Jones Show Podcast Sunday, 16 December 2018 ,The Alex Jones Show

  8. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:27 PM


    By Lisa Haven

    An anonymous group has just exposed a global misinformation campaign like no other. They revealed how this state-sponsored attack has learned from all that is happening in social media and even Wiki-Pedia on how to craft the perfect “untraceable” fake news war machine attack!

    The terrifying part is that they have operatives in our own Country and have already published over 1000 articles (that we know of) that are plain and simply targeted misinformation attacks. The best real-world example of what this attack would look like exists within in our own borders. When you hear the details of all involved you will question everything you have heard and know who the good guys and bad guys really are: that line is now permanently blurred.

    All that and more below…

  9. 16 diciembre, 2018 a las 1:05 PM

  10. 16 diciembre, 2018 a las 12:19 PM

    Ley Agrícola que contiene enmienda para favorecer el comercio con Cuba, es aprobada por el Congreso de EEUU….Y el embargo? bien gracias.

  11. 16 diciembre, 2018 a las 11:37 AM

  12. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 10:46 AM

    The Great Reawakening of Nations

    Published on Sep 20, 2017
    In an epic anti-globalist maneuver, the President of the United States of America defended the philosophy of total national sovereignty and independence before the General Assembly of the United Nations, calling for a «Great Reawakening of Nations» against the promises of «mammoth, multinational trade deals, unaccountable international tribunals, and powerful global bureaucracies»:

    «The nation state remains the best vehicle for elevating the human condition.»

    «Our success,» he said, «depends on a coalition of strong and independent nations that embrace their sovereignty, to promote security, prosperity and peace for themselves and for the world.»

  13. 16 diciembre, 2018 a las 10:11 AM

  14. raulizquierdo2009
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:52 AM

    Un poco denso el comentarista pero interesante el analsis, desmonta la falsa teoria y vale la pena verlo

  15. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:30 AM

  16. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:17 AM

    Muy lucido el periodista mexicano del video titulado:


  17. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:35 AM


    Published on Dec 12, 2018
    Alex Backman expresa libremente su opinión como periodista y explica con mayor profundidad la firma del acuerdo de migración abierta en Marruecos el 10 de diciembre, 2018 y cómo la ONU tiene injerencia política más no jurídica ne México para que sigan llegando más ‘migrantes’ legal o ilegalmente a nuestra frontera. Actualización importante sobre la Crisis de la #Caravana #Migrante y los planes de subvertir las naciones-estado, sus soberanías y territorios en nombre de Un Sólo Gobierno Mundial libre de límites fronterizos y restricciones migratorias.

  18. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:27 AM

    El pacto global sobre migración que nos espera

  19. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:00 AM

    December 16, 2018
    Washington’s Growing Product Line: Confected Felonies
    By Clarice Feldman
    This week my news-clipping file is overflowing. There’s the hilarious Oval Office meeting between the President and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for laughs — as Pelosi begs for no transparency and Schumer bows his head knowing that the dynamic duo has just been trumped. They thought they were clever in holding up the military appropriations to stop the wall and in the process provided Trump with ammunition: “I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck,” Trump told Schumer. “I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”

    So, nonessential federal employees (mostly Democrats) will be out of work because the Democrats choose illegal immigration over national security. Since voters overwhelmingly want a check on illegal immigration and aren’t enamored of an overreaching, often utterly incompetent and often corrupt federal labor force, how do you imagine this will play out?

    A large amount of domestic coverage this week involves the ongoing Mueller fiasco, in which it appears that the legal theories under which he is operating have been concocted by nitwits, and the processes he’s employed are nothing short of Beria-like (“show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime”) stuff. Space constraints allow me to discuss but a few of the matters in which politics posing as law enforcement captured this week’s news.

    Michael Flynn caught a break when his case was assigned to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who was monstrously played by a corrupt band of DoJ criminal attorneys and FBI agents in the case of former Senator Ted Stevens. After Stevens was convicted, the Senate Republicans lost their ability to filibuster and made it possible for the Democrats to ram through ObamaCare on a single-party vote. Subsequent to Steven’s death, their perfidy became known. Sullivan threw out the conviction.

    The judge then commissioned a 525-page report that presented withering evidence of DoJ misconduct. Irrefutable evidence of prosecutorial misconduct prompted the DoJ to assign Terrence Berg, an attorney in the DoJ’s Professional Misconduct Review Unit, to recommend a penalty for two trial attorneys (James Goeke and Joseph Bottini.)

    Berg was the bureaucracy’s first of two interventions on behalf of railroading prosecutors. Berg stalled for several months while he “studied” the evidence and finally concluded that the prosecutors had done nothing wrong. The agency then assigned the matter to the unit chief, who concluded that a 45-day suspension would be warranted.

    If you were a partisan DoJ attorney bent on meddling in future elections, would the risk of a 45-day suspension be enough to deter you? The attorneys appealed the 45-day suspensions, arguing they should be entitled to the benefit of Berg’s early assessment that they did nothing wrong. Then the bureaucracy intervened again to save the railroading prosecutors.

    The Merit Systems Protection Board granted their appeal, ruling that even though both prosecutors might be guilty of the misconduct as-charged, that they had the right to Berg’s original assessment. And that’s how two DoJ prosecutors got away with railroading Stevens and swinging an election for the U.S. Senate.

    As for the FBI miscreant who played the largest role in this miscarriage of justice, she too got off Scott free: The poster nicknamed “Daddy” reminds us:

    FBI Agent Mary Beth Kepner, who in the Ted Stevens case pencil whipped 302’s [agent’s notes of interviews which are to be prepared within 5 days of such interviews] two whole years after the fact and lied to other FBI Investigators under oath that the 302’s were contemporaneous, was «severely disciplined» [by then Director James Comey] got a cautionary letter of warning in her official FBI jacket!!!”

    She remained the top FBI agent in Anchorage, so you know how “severe” was the discipline she got for perjuring herself, handing the Obama administration its most cherished legislation — ObamaCare.

    Certainly there was more, per then Director Comey:

    ‘»On top of that, we pushed out refresher training to the entire workforce, especially about our discovery obligations and how we expect them to conduct themselves during those investigations. So, both broad remedial work was done, and individual discipline was imposed for the agent involved,» he said.’

    The Flynn case shows how ineffective was that “refresher training” And how seriously suspicious Judge Sullivan is of the Mueller team after that experience.

    U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office Wednesday night to turn over all the government’s documents by mid-day Friday. The exculpatory documents requested by Sullivan include any memorandums regarding Flynn’s case because of the extraordinary circumstances of the information, according to Sullivan’s request. Further, Sullivan is also requesting any documentation regarding the first interviews conducted by former anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok and FBI Agent Joe Pientka — known by the FBI as 302s — which were found to be dated more than seven months after the interviews were conducted on Jan. 24, 2017, a violation of FBI policy, say current and former FBI officials familiar with the process. According to information contained in Flynn’s memorandum, the interviews were dated Aug. 22, 2017.

    FBI Supervisory Special Agent Jeff Danik told that Sullivan must also request all the communications between the two agents, as well as their supervisors around the August 2017 time-frame in order to get a complete and accurate picture of what transpired. Danik, who is an expert in FBI policy, says it is imperative that Sullivan also request “the workflow chart, which would show one-hundred percent, when the 302s were created when they were sent to a supervisor and who approved them.”

    “The bureau policy — the absolute FBI policy — is that the notes must be placed in the system in a 1-A file within five days of the interview,” said Danik, who added that handwritten notes get placed into the FBI Sentinel System, which is the FBI’s main record keeping system. “Anything beyond five business days is a problem, eight months is a disaster.”

    Given the fact that the infamous Peter Strzok, since removed from the Mueller investigation for demonstrated anti-Trump bias, conducted the interrogation, there’s every reason beyond the departure from the regulations to question whether the accounts are accurate. Indeed, even Comey testified to Congress that the interviewing agents did not think Flynn had deliberately lied to them. But there is even more.

    Andrew McCabe, now also fired, recommended to the pair that they were not to offer Flynn a right to counsel nor a Miranda warning that whatever he said might be used against him. He wanted Flynn “relaxed,” which is one way of saying off guard. And he was, thinking it was essentially a courtesy call.

    It is clear to me that Flynn’s pleading guilty was a defensive measure to protect his family, which was roughly $3 million in legal debt as he fought against a team with unlimited resources and unlimited partisan fervor (as was the situation in the Stevens case).

    The federal crime of which he is accused is Title 18 United States Code, Section 10001, which I deem (like the overbroad federal laws concerning obstruction and conspiracy) a tool for unscrupulous prosecutors like these. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg shares my view of this provision as the NY Sun writing about Martha Stewart’s case observed:

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who, in a concurring opinion in the 1996 Supreme Court case Brogan v. United States, warned of «the sweeping generality» of Section 1001’s language.

    Justice Ginsburg wrote: «The prospect remains that an overzealous prosecutor or investigator — aware that a person has committed some suspicious acts, but unable to make a criminal case — will create a crime by surprising the suspect, asking about those acts, and receiving a false denial.»

    It was a remarkably sagacious warning, as that scenario that Justice Ginsburg warns of bears a certain resemblance to the one in which Ms. Stewart finds herself, with the federal prosecutors unable to make a criminal case against her for insider trading, but nonetheless finding something to charge her with.

    In many cases, prosecutors will use their discretion to avoid filing such charges. It’s certainly hard to think of another case in which a person has been prosecuted for violating this section alone, without also being prosecuted for an underlying criminal act. The closest thing people seem to be able to remember is the matter of President Clinton’s secretary of housing and urban development, Henry Cisneros, who paid a $10,000 fine and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the duration and amount of payments he made to a former mistress.

    Justice Ginsburg wrote, «the Department of Justice has long noted its reluctance to approve §1001 indictments for simple false denials made to investigators.» For Ms. Stewart, whose celebrity may have made her a tempting target for prosecutors to overcome their traditional reluctance, it is already too late.

    It should come as no surprise that the prosecutor in that case was James Comey. Speaking of bad pennies showing up again, this week the Department of Justice Inspector General reported that 19,000 (that’s right — must have been a message a minute) text messages between Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page had not been properly preserved and created an investigative “gap”.

    “The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016 through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG’s Oversight and Review Division. Specifically, the OIG’s Cyber Investigations Office was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text message for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page,” the report states. “In view of the content of many of the text messages between Strzok and Page, the OIG also asked the Special Counsel’s Office to provide the OIG the DOJ issues iPhones that had been assigned to Strzok and Page during their respective assignments to the SCO.”

    After a number of steps by the OIG, “was the recovery of thousands of text messages within the period of the missing text messages, December 15, 2016 through May 17, 2017, as well as hundreds of other text messages outside the gap period that had not been produced by the FBI due to technical problems with its text message collection tool.”

    In that same report we learned that the phones issued to Page and Strzok when they were on the Special Counsel’s staff — a critical period of time — had been erased by that office and likely those messages are lost. Purportedly the phones were returned to factory settings to be used by others but never were reassigned.

    Since the circumstances under which these two had been removed from the Special Counsel’s office related to biased text messages before this assignment, the explanation for why the phones were “wiped” can be believed only by the terminally credulous.

    On Friday afternoon the Special Counsel responded to Judge Sullivan’s order and filed a response (some of which still is redacted). Here are the key points:

    1. Although Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI investigators, they did not believe at the time he was intentionally lying to them;

    «The documents include then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s notes after talking with Flynn to arrange his interview with the FBI. It also includes a so-called «302» report documenting what Flynn told anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok and one other agent during their conversation at the White House. That July 2017 report [the interview had taken place in January], though, specifically came from an interview with Strzok in which the Flynn encounter was discussed — and not the original Flynn interview.

    The 302 report stated that Strzok and the other agent “both had the impression at the time that Flynn was not lying or did not think he was lying.”

    2.Then Acting Attorney-General Sally Yates was not happy with Comey’s decision to interview Flynn.

    And then there’s Michael Cohen’s pleas, only one of which relates to the presidential campaign, a plea of guilt to something which is not a crime, because paying off people who are threatening to make damaging statements about you, is not a campaign expense.

    Brad Smith, former head of the Federal Election Commission explains:

    Not everything that is subjectively intended to influence an election is campaign expenditure. For example, if Trump (or any other businessman running for office) settled lawsuits against the business in order to get them off the table, so that they wouldn’t become campaign issues, those settlements would not be campaign expenses, but would remain personal expenses, payable by Trump or the company sued. That is true even if the suits were deemed totally meritless by Trump’s lawyers and paid solely as nuisance settlements to prevent bad campaign press…

    The obligations to Daniels or others (such as they were) were not created as a candidate. Moreover, even if Trump decided to pay the blackmail in part because he was running for president, in its implementing regulations, the FEC specifically rejected a mixed motive test, i.e. that something would count as a campaign expense if one of multiple motives was to help the campaign. It must exist solely because the candidate is running for office. But Daniels’ blackmail threat exists whether or not Trump was running for office…

    Secondly, the prosecutors want «for the purpose of influencing a campaign» to be a subjective test determined by the mindset of the actors. I believe that the test is intended as an objective test according to a reasonable observer, defining expenditures that one makes when running for office — for example, hiring campaign staff, buying ads, purchasing phone service for the campaign, renting office space, printing bumper stickers, etc. I doubt any reasonable jury would deem «payments to mistress» a «campaign expenditure.» If it were literally «anything» «for the purpose of influencing a campaign» than virtually every personal expenditure made by a person in public life might be deemed a campaign expenditure…

    It is amusing to note that in this same week Congress, which paid out without disclosure over $17 million in sexual misconduct settlements between 1997 and 2017 to 250 persons out of tax revenues, passed a law requiring that Congress will have to pay such settlements out of their own funds in future and regularly report and publish such settlements. If Trump’s payment were deemed to influence a campaign, how would you describe those 250 congressional settlements?

  20. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:58 AM


    Stacy Little
    Brexit fever in the UK continues. On Wednesday, December 12, Prime Minister Theresa May spoke to the House of Commons of the British Parliament and answered sharp and uncomfortable questions. The meeting was very nervous: members of the House literally shouted at Mei, waved their hands, criticized her for the current course of leaving the country from the EU.

    The prime minister fastened and remained firm, stating that she would fight to the end, and Brexit was in line with the wishes of the people. In this statement, it was possible to discern a hint that if party members send May to resign, the will of the people is allegedly not fulfilled. But May was lucky, she didn’t get a vote of censure and kept her post.

    However, this decision, in fact, did not change anything. Britain has the same Brexit agreement with the EU, which literally has been criticized by all the political circles of the kingdom, and which will be almost impossible to approve in parliament. Hope could give the EU a decision to revise it, but Brussels has already stated that there will be no changes, which means that May is not supported there either. What is waiting for Britain now?

    May won an uncomfortable chair

    The decision made by the Tory party on Wednesday night means that May remains the leader of the Conservative Party and retains the post of prime minister. The decision was made by simple majority. 200 out of 317 conservatives in parliament voted for May, although 158 votes were enough for the prime minister to win. Now, May also received immunity from repeating this procedure for a period of one year.

    In order to understand the causes of the new British political fever, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the question to May by the conservatives. Of course, the whole thing шы фищге Brexit. The intention to pass a vote of censure for the prime minister did not occur overnight.

    In November, May was able to push through the extremely uncomfortable and controversial agreement with the EU on Brexit through the government. Some conservatives were outraged by this.

    However, on Monday, December 10, Theresa May rescheduled a vote in parliament on an agreement with the EU about Brexit. This was the last straw in the patience of opponents of the premier within her own party, and by Wednesday morning the necessary 48 letters of deputies were collected, and the procedure for issuing a vote of censure began.

    May herself, after the announcement of the results of the voting, presented the incident as an incredible victory, as if the question of Brexit had already been fully resolved with the European Union, and Britain was boldly striding into a bright future.

    The prime minister also promised to go to Brussels at the European Council meeting on December 13 in order to achieve better conditions for Britain for Brexit. She acknowledged that the issue would concern the border with Northern Ireland.

    May remains, problems remain

    The British press today is actively discussing the past vote. For most media, the tone is not at all optimistic, as it could be if May were really pinned on serious hopes.

    At the root of such a reaction are all the same old problems – extremely favorable for the EU conditions for the exit of Britain, to which May had previously agreed. this angered even Prime Minister’s party members, not to mention Labor opponents.

    Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbin said that a vote of noconfidence in May best demonstrates the crisis of the conservatives and their split, and if this event occurred within the party, then it really did not change anything outside of it.

    His advice to May is to transfer the agreement on the Brexit to the House of Commons so that parliament can regain control over divorce from the EU. Of course, Corbin noted that Labor is ready to replace the Conservatives at the helm of the country in order to produce the Brexit, which is the most profitable for Britain.

    Laborists and conservatives also said that May’s victory in this vote ensured her promise not to stand as a conservative leader in the next 2022 general election. So May got another chance.

    Hopeless agreement

    So, May gained the trust of party members, a third of whom still opposed her. There are two reasons for this – the desire to delay the resounding end of all British hopes for a profitable Brexit and May’s consent to leave completely, no longer claim any leadership in the Conservative Party, much less for the post of prime minister.

    May will already go to Brussels today to ask for mercy and give favorable conditions for Brexit. At the same time, we remember that Angela Merkel has several times clearly stated: there is nothing more to talk about, there is already an agreement, and it was born in terrible negotiating torments.

    Especially since May made a serious mistake – she pushed through the approval of this document in her government. When they learned the content of the agreement, they were amazed. Therefore, it is quite logical that May on Monday just was afraid to put the document in this form to a vote in parliament.

    What is so bad about this agreement? The most important thing is the terrible conditions for Britain, under which it will leave all European institutions from March and lose the right to vote. However, during the transition period, the country must remain a member of the EU customs union and strictly comply with its conditions. That is, Britain will have no more rights, and there will be almost more responsibilities. Laborists have already said that this point is a humiliation for London, and if we talk essentially, they are right.

    This means that May in negotiations with the EU simply failed the main thesis of Brexit supporters – about the economic independence of Great Britain. While remaining a member of the customs union, Britain will not be able to conduct independent trade negotiations, set its own tariffs and, finally, independently conclude trade agreements.

    May’s second big mistake is the Irish question. The prime minister agreed with the opinion of Brussels that until the issue of the border on the island of Ireland, Northern Ireland, which is a part of Britain, is resolved, Brexit will remain in the European Union already after. And it smells like a split within Britain and a resumption of Irish extremism. London then even have to put customs posts, and in fact – another state border between Britain and Ireland in its entirety.

    According to the 1988 Belfast Agreement, the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland does not exist, for Britain along with Northern Ireland, like the Republic of Ireland, are members of the EU. Now the situation may change.

    May’s third mistake lies in linking the first two errors together. In order to «how to» solve the question of the border in Ireland right now, May concluded the so-called backstop agreement with the EU. It assumes that until 2021, Britain will not leave the customs union, so as not to «substitute» Northern Ireland.

    Now – attention: the main thing. May agreed in the agreement that if the issue of the border is not resolved, Britain will remain a member of the EU customs union forever. With the above consequences in the form of the absence of any rights.

    May will now have to go to Brussels, where no one will be happy to revise these fundamental principles of the Brexit agreement. In its current form, it is extremely profitable for the EU and completely unprofitable for London. In the event of the failure Britain will exit the EU according to a tough scenario – without any agreement at all. And this means enormous damage to the economy: the country will lose up to a million jobs, the pound sterling will be devalued, inflation will rise, transportation and trade problems will begin, the whole of the kingdom’s GDP will hit.

    The chances of a positive outcome are almost zero.

  21. Romalh
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:55 AM

    Harry Truman’s Campaign Was in 1948,
    The Truman Show Is Now,
    The Trump Show Is Coming

    New Technology, New Politicians
    In politics, every new communications technology creates, or at least empowers, a new style of politician.
    A century ago, electronic amplification enabled political figures to adopt a more relaxed speaking style; they no longer had to yell to be heard in the back row. A little later, radio enabled politicians to become downright conversational, as with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famed “fireside chats” in the 1930s.

    Then came television. John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, to name two telegenic presidents, showed their mastery of that medium. More recently, within the category of television, we’ve seen the new style associated with “reality TV”; that niche has given us, most consequentially, The Apprentice, the show that introduced Donald Trump to a nationwide audience.

    Of course, the biggest technological change has been the Internet, which helped propel Barack Obama into the White House in 2008. Indeed, for a while, it seemed as though the biggest impact of the Net would be the use, and abuse, of Big Data, as we have seen with Facebook.

    Yet now we see that the Internet is creating a new kind of media, and thus a new kind of media-shaped politician. In fact, even older politicians are struggling to retool themselves for this newer media environment. So as we look to the 2020 elections, and beyond, it’s worth considering what sort of political figures will be rising to the top. If the past is any guide, those who master the newest media will soon enough be the victors……….

    ……. more at …….

  22. raulizquierdo2009
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:44 AM
  23. raulizquierdo2009
    16 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:40 AM
  24. raulizquierdo2009
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:58 PM

    Presiones, chantajes, amenazas, absoluta falta de libertad y una represalia absurda que prohibe volver a tu pais, porque los amos no te lo permiten.

  25. 15 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:49 PM

    cuando vivi en Venezuela, si me encontraba con esto en alguna calle, llegaba tarde a donde iba

  26. 15 diciembre, 2018 a las 5:59 PM

  27. 15 diciembre, 2018 a las 5:37 PM

  28. 15 diciembre, 2018 a las 5:35 PM

    «Close to the edge» es quizas el trabajo mas ambicioso y logrado de la banda YES. Como habria sonado si solo hubiera sido interpretado por un musico y un instrumento? pues…maravilloso!

  29. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 4:30 PM

    Entrevista a Pedro Varela de M. Celades

  30. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 4:22 PM

    Published on Dec 14, 2018
    El productor y documentalista cubano, Eduardo Palmer, cedió su archivo fílmico a Radio y Televisión Martí. José Luis Ramos, presenta el acto de entrega del histórico material, conducido por Tomás Regalado, director de OCB, y donde participó el cineasta Orlando Jiménez Leal, entre otros invitados.

  31. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 4:16 PM

  32. 15 diciembre, 2018 a las 2:09 PM

  33. 15 diciembre, 2018 a las 2:08 PM

  34. raulizquierdo2009
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 11:41 AM

    Que va !…Tengo que ir a Buenos Aires un dia, para ver estas cosas en las terrazas de los viejos Cafes Bohemios en plena calle, con esas bailarinas que de tan complejos bailes, son, de tan esculpidas, macizas y escuchar en vivo los viejos tangos y a los musicos autenticos de calle, con sus bandoneones planideros que nos hablan de viejas historias urbanas y mundanas.
    Esta misma necesidad tenia con los Fados antes de visitar Portugal, hasta que fui y pude verlo y oirlo en vivo y en los lugares autenticos.
    Cuanto queda por hacer ! Y hacerlo al fin, al menos una vez, para no volver !

  35. raulizquierdo2009
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 11:28 AM

    De ese filme lo que mas recuerdo es la banda sonora original compuesta para la pelicula, el Spellbound Concerto de Miklos Rosza, se dice por los entendidos que no es buena musica y que no clasifica con los grandes conciertos, pero yo creo que no hay que comparar y si creo que es buena musica y esta perfecta para la pelicula porque es atormentada y pasional.
    Aqui se las dejo por la misma orquesta y el mismo pianista que solia y escucharla en un LP en los tempranos sesenta…tiempo ha !

  36. raulizquierdo2009
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 11:18 AM

    La mariconeria en accion y los muchachitos viendo !

  37. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 10:50 AM

    Recuerda (Spellbound) Alfred Hitchcock, 1945 [Español 1080p]

    En el centro psiquiátrico donde trabaja la psicoanalista Constance Petersen (Ingrid Bergman), el Dr. Murchison (Leo G. Carroll) anuncia su retiro de la dirección, en cuyo reemplazo llegará el eminente Dr. y escritor Anthony Edwardes, a quien, justamente, Constance admira muchísimo aunque no le conoce… pero, el mismo día en que el joven y apuesto director (Gregory Peck) es presentado ante los directivos, la psicoanalista comenzará a observar signos de un oculto trauma en el nuevo personaje que, enseguida sabremos, también sufre de una grave amnesia.

  38. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:15 AM




  39. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 8:11 AM


    La llamativa exigencia de la Caravana Migrante a Donald Trump | Noticias Telemundo

    All Videos of the Ungrateful Hondurans – Caravan of Migrants

    Y es que esta …… exigencia …….. suena tan raro ………





  40. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:59 AM

  41. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:57 AM


    By Lisa Haven

    The left is constantly spewing anti-America rhetoric and making untrue claims that we are one of the most racists countries in the world, that nationalism is bad, and that white people are all privileged. Everything is negative.

    The problem is, that’s not exactly the America I know and love. In fact, the mainstream media is attempting to paint America in a very bad light, when in reality we are so much better than what they lead people to believe.

    All that and more below…

  42. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:35 AM

    Las relaciones de la extrema derecha española con el Ejército y la Iglesia
    Publicado: 15 dic 2018 08:36 GMT

    Sin dudas van quedando pocas salidas a la crisis existencial que padece la humanidad, pero cada vez va quedando mas claro o se nos quiere hacer ver que:


    Y es que su corrupcion es tal, que de hecho ya solo le queda el nombre


    En fin, queda claro que


    no es funcional a los intereses de los pueblos, pero ….. pero ……


    por eso insisto en tener los ojos abiertos y preguntarnos:






  43. Romalh
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:20 AM

    Sin dudas da ASCO pensar que esto este sucediendo, pero peor aun DA TERROR pensar que a una nueva generacion se le pueda LAVAR EL CEREBRO para aceptar de forma natural y permanente ESTA NUEVA PROGRAMACION DE SU CEREBRO.




  44. raulizquierdo2009
    15 diciembre, 2018 a las 12:39 AM

    Cojanme ese tronco…Angelito Ponce, no es ninguna Miss que sea un angelito de belleza, ni siquiera de bolleza, porque Angelito Ponce es un macho convertido en un macho convertido, creo que representa a Espania…Como no habria de ser ! Para echaos palante busca a los espanioles, lo cual no solo prostituye el Certamen sino que lo pervierte, porque Seniores…! Miren que hay mujeres lindas y reguenisimas en el mundo ! Pa poner al pataepollo este ya sea operado o con pene, da igual, sigue siendo geneticamente macho aunque ahora crea que es marimujer ! Entonces todo el mundo en el corto solo hacen loas y alabanzas, porque se «rompe un paradigma» Diganme ustedes ? Bueno, sera que un exparapinga rompe un paradigma ! Ande vamos a parar ????

  45. raulizquierdo2009
  46. raulizquierdo2009
    14 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:21 PM

    Es lo que trae la especulacion.

  47. raulizquierdo2009
    14 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:18 PM

  48. raulizquierdo2009
    14 diciembre, 2018 a las 7:16 PM

  49. 14 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:42 PM

    Es una manera de justificar el decreto

  50. Romalh
    14 diciembre, 2018 a las 6:21 PM

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