Desembarco en las redes

23 noviembre, 2017

Por iyamiami

La UCI ha desembarcado durante esta ultima semana a un grupo de sus «tropas elite» en twitter, compuesto mayormente de profesores de esa institucion y algunos estudiantes de Derecho. Para variar, como una novedad, en este «desembarco» los soldaditos usaron sus verdaderos nombres y titulos sin ocultar como otras veces su identidad.

Ante la oportunidad de interactuar directamente con ellos en lugar de seguir de largo, como hizo practicamente todo el mundo en twitter silenciandolos o ignorandolos tan pronto notaron que no habia ningun mensaje diferente al acostumbrado por la prensa oficialista castrista en ellos, decidi tratar de motivarlos a un debate respetuoso y argumentado y puse en sus manos virtuales alguna informacion, cosa que otros comentaristas tambien hicieron.

Les invite a leer en el blog alguno de sus mas de 200 posts y a que opinaran libremente sobre cualquiera de ellos. Les sugeri, porque mas que un post politico se trata de una vision de eristica acerca de todo lo que no debe hacerse en un debate, nuestro post «la imagen del enemigo», con la esperanza de que se esforzaran por un debate sincero desprovisto de los vicios de este estigma. De hecho ese post era una clase que imparti en una universidad venezolana en mis tiempos alli de profesor de ciencias sociales.

Inutil esfuerzo. En lugar de conversar, sustituian argumentos por consignas, en lugar de criticas al mensaje, la sustituian por ataques al mensajero, cualquier intento de razonar llamandoles a reconsiderar sobre el vacio conceptual de sus respuestas, no logro ni siquiera que intentaran argumentar sus afirmaciones. La total incapacidad para sostener un debate y el desconocimiento mas basico sobre como sostener un intercambio de ideas, la expresaron varios al creer y afirmar sinceramente que eso que hacian era debatir.

Afirmaron haber venido a leer al blog, lo cual fue facilmente comprobado como falso, siendo yo mismo el administrador y constatando que ni un solo post habia sido visitado por ellos hasta ese momento. Intentaron entonces sin leerlo descalificarlo, llegando al ridiculo de decir publicamente que los gatos eran un blog «con un par de articulos y tres o cuatro opiniones», no sin agregar que no calificaban por su mala calidad ni como articulos ni como opiniones. Para decir esto en un medio donde Los 4 Gatos son bien conocidos, hay que de verdad no tener miedo al ridiculo, o no tener nocion de la magnitud de la estupidez que estaban escribiendo.

Ante la imposibilidad de sacar una sola idea de estos compatriotas conversando con ellos, opte por entrar directamente a sus cuentas para ver de que hablaban.
El panorama que tuve la oportunidad de ver en varias cuentas personales de la UCI, donde busque en vano algun material analitico o donde se discutiera con honestidad algun problema actual del pais, fue uno de culto a la personalidad desmedido, ataques ad homine, burda  propaganda y consignas.

A continuacion expongo lo encontrado en 54 twitts consecutivos de una de esas cuentas, la de la profesora Natalia, la que mintio asegurando que habia entrado a leer en los gatos describiendo un blog que no habia leido.

En 54 twitts consecutivos en su cuenta:

2 eran sobre temas internacionales, uno de ellos culpando al Capitalismo por los cambios climaticos (ya saben, las glaciaciones, el deshielo y la desaparicion de los mamuts fue culpa del capitalismo). El otro era sobre el asesinato de Kennedy, donde concluyen que fue perpetrado y organizado por la CIA y los gusanos de Miami.

7 comentarios se limitaban a reproducir propaganda oficial y consignas castristas de corte triunfalista.

11 comentarios destacaron celebraciones y/o actividades politicas enalteciendo al castrismo, de ellas 4 sobre las «elecciones» entre el PCC y el PCC, 1 sobre Guiteras y 1 sobre el terrorista y asesino convicto portorriqueno indultado por Obama, descrito y celebrado como heroe en Cuba: Oscar López Rivera. Dudo que tengan conocimiento de que la causa independentista de Puerto rico lleva una larga serie de plebiscitos perdidos y no goza de ningun interes por parte de los portorriquenos, que tienen los beneficios de cualquier norteamericano sin pagar taxes, un negocio redondo.

14 comentarios denigrantes, insultos y ataques ad hominem aparecen como unicas respuestas a argumentos, preguntas y comentarios de comentaristas exiliados.

28 comentarios, mas de la mitad del total,  estaban exclusivamente dedicados a enaltecer la figura de Fidel Castro

20 fotos de Fidel Castro aparecen entre los 54 comentarios consecutivos…sin mencionar  una mas, del seboruco-cenicero.

Argumentos o contraargumentos a los expuestos por los mencionados comentaristas exiliados: CERO

Analisis de problemas nacionales: CERO

Criticas a gestiones del gobierno castrista: CERO

La cuenta de Natalia es mas o menos tipica, no encontre ninguna diferente salvo para ser todavia peor.

Decidi poner esta breve instantanea no como comentario como pense hacer primero, sino como post.  No creo que sea dificil concluir que si esto es la elite de la UCI, que ademas confeso a otro comentarista que disfruta de internet gratis en su casa a cambio de lo que hacen (no podrian costearse sus cuentas con sus salarios de miseria), lo unico que han logrado cosechar en las redes internacionales es la lectura de personajes similares, desinformados y fanaticos de izquierda. Ya perdieron, aunque seguramente haran una fiesta para celebrar esta nueva «victoria». Mi recomendacion es que vuelvan a lo de crear y vender pornografia. En eso brillaron.

  1. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 11:10 AM

    El engaño de los partidos del sistema

    Presione el boton REPRODUCIR para escuchar el audio

    Miguel Blasco, Manuel Canduela y Vicente Estarelles empezarán debatiendo sobre los dirigentes de la UE que vuelven a la carga para convertir la UE en una dictadura supranacional por encima de los Estados soberanos. Con la intención de romper la cohesión interna de los Estados la UE sigue promoviendo la importación de inmigrantes. Para que la población europea acepte esta invasión se le mete el miedo por el “insostenible sistema de pensiones que sólo los inmigrantes podrán pagar” ¿pero es cierto?¿hay otras soluciones?

  2. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 11:00 AM

    Observo una caida drastica de los paises que nos visitan, normalmente por encima de diez y ahora solo cinco, del nuevo mundo SOLAMENTE.
    Nos habran censurado fuera de LAS AMERICAS?
    Nada de Europa, Asia, Oceania o Africa.


  3. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 10:50 AM


    El investigador argentino Adrián Salbuchi explica como el Council on Foreign Relations (CFR, Consejo de Relaciones Internacionales) con sede en Estados Unidos planifica la llamada Globalización a nivel político, económico, militar y cultural, y prepara y coloca a los principales gobernantes mundiales.

    Adrián Salbuchi es un escritor, investigador y conferencista argentino especializado en estructuras de poder político y financiero mundial. Creador del Proyecto Segunda República (PSR) y conductor de PSR NACIONAL y de PSR INTERNACIONAL por el Canal TLV1 de Argentina que emite por Youtube.

  4. iyamiami
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 9:14 AM

    Fallece en La Habana la Dama de Blanco Ada María López : Descansa en paz
    Envie un mensaje con nuestras condolencias a su hermano Agustin (DEKAISONE)

  5. raulizquierdo2009
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:23 AM

    Produce verguenza ajena por la cobardia de casi todo el Mundo y admiracion la sostenida lucha de Israel por subsistir

  6. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 7:55 AM


    Sin dudas la humanidad ha visto realizados suenos impensables hasta hace muy poco tiempo en el terreneo de la micro_electronica, que a su vez ha propiciado la enorme revolucion de las comunicaciones e internet, hoy dia ya cotidianos, pero la gran revolucion aun inconclusa y «DESESPERADAMENTE ESPERADA» es la revolucion energetica que nos saque de las formas de ENERGIA FOSIL, que ahora usamos, a las formas limpias y seguras, ademas de ilimitadas, de LA ENERGIA TERMO_ NUCLEAR CONTROLADA.
    Un sueno que cada dia se acerca mas y que nos proveera con formas seguras e ILIMITADAS DE ENERGIA.

    Aqui una modesta recopilacion sobre el tema:


  7. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 7:14 AM


    Alex Jones (FULL SHOW) Sunday 12/10/17:
    News & Analysis, Roger Stone Net Neutrality, Trump News

  8. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:54 AM

    ¿Es aplicable el modelo chino para Cuba?

    Julio M. Shiling, Director de Patria de Martí explica en que consiste el modelo Chino y el objetivo del gobierno castrocomunista en la aplicación del mismo en Cuba.

    ¿Modelo chino para Cuba? (video completo)

    Cortesía del programa “El espejo” WJAN América TeVe (Miami). Juan Manuel Cao (periodista y presentador) conduce el programa donde Julio M. Shiling (escritor y politólogo) y Armando de Armas (escritor y analista político) son los invitados y se analiza el tema de “¿Modelo chino para Cuba?”. Este programa fue transmitido el 29 de septiembre de 2014.

    Algunos puntos INTELIGENTES sobre el fenomeno Chino:

  9. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:38 AM

  10. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:28 AM



  11. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:21 AM

    The Truth About Net Neutrality

    Published on Nov 22, 2017
    We were promised the Obama-era regulations would ensure our unfettered access to the internet. Instead, we’ve seen an unprecedented amount of censorship since the rules were enacted
    Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:

  12. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:16 AM

    Neutralidad de la red, la discusión que define el futuro de Internet


    La Neutralidad de Internet – El Comienzo del Fin


    5 minutos para entender qué es la ‘Net Neutrality’ y por qué debería preocuparte.


    Here’s How Easy it is To Save Net Neutrality

  13. Romalh
    13 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:04 AM


    Esta amenaza pudiese ser realidad el 14 de Diciembre en USA.

    ¿Qué es la neutralidad en la red? Explicación simple y llana


    Se acaba la neutralidad en la red

    Estamos a menos de un mes para que la neutralidad en la red acabe en EUA y que por ende sea el ejemplo para que en todo el mundo esta se vuelva tendencia con todos los proveedores de internet y que lo que ahora conocemos como internet libre se vuelva uno en el que se tenga que pagar por acceder a contenido diverso o solo lo que los grandes medios puedan pagar para que se muestre o tenga la velocidad que se quiera y que todos los startups se vean opacados o lo que no se quiere que se muestre desaparecera. acompañenos a analizar esto.

    La Neutralidad de La Red: ¿por qué debería importarnos?

    La neutralidad de la red es un principio que dice que tu proveedor de servicios de internet no puede bloquearte el acceso a ningún servicio o página web, ni tampoco favorecer a unos sobre otros. Ese principio bajo el cual el internet funciona y ha funcionado por muchos años, está en peligro en Estados Unidos, y a nosotros que estamos en otras partes del mundo también debería importarnos.


  14. raulizquierdo2009
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 11:41 PM

    5 mentarios

  15. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 5:41 PM

  16. iyamiami
  17. raulizquierdo2009
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:52 AM

    Es esto lo que siempre he intuido en medio de mi limitada formacion cientifica y en la medida en que me he ido informando en la vida para llegar a convicciones propias o al menos a convicciones provisionales que luego podrian gradualmente irse perfeccionando, es mi entendimiento de esa energia primigenia que hemos dado en llamar Dios y que para nada es antropomorfa y vengadora y tampoco juez, para mi desde que se anuncio todo proviene del quantum y es quantum todo lo que existe en el Universo, las leyes que dieron al traste con la creacion son tambien primigenias y estan por encima de las leyes que los humanos hemos ido encontrando para explicar la realidad y el Universo, pero todo lo que se ha ido descubriendo y encontrando ya estaba antes ahi, solo que sin poder ver y constatar esa realidad, por eso jamas vi contradiccion entre ciencia y fe, siempre intui que a mas escudriniamiento de la ciencia y mas descubrimiento, esta nos aproximaria mas al conocimiento de la genesis de todas las cosas y daria sentido a la fe dejando de ser esta una entelequia para pasar a ser la razon por la cual vivir sentir, pensar.
    Todo lo que ha resultado desde el origen hasta aqui, que somos todos nosotros, la humanidad entera en ese reciclamiento eterno de materias y almas renovadas y perfeccionadas es Dios, todos nosotros somos un infinitesimal de la creacion y de esa energia creadora, porque esa energia que es lo que hemos dado en llamar Dios y que es razon de la fe, esta en todos y cada uno de nosotros.

  18. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:38 AM

    TLV1 – PSR INT:

    Adrian Salbuchi, fundador del PSR/Proyecto Segunda República, describe con datos, nombres, apellidos y organizaciones quienes controlan REALMENTE al mundo…

  19. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:30 AM

    La Brújula N°36 – Paulo Freire: pedagogía y revolución

    Lucas Carena y Pablo J. Davoli, conductores del programa, analizan los aspectos ideológicos del marxismo cultural, subyacentes en el aporte intelectual del pedagogo brasileño.

  20. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:28 AM

    December 12, 2017
    Gay Wedding Cakes Not a Constitutional Right
    By Daniel John Sobieski

    One wonders if the case currently before the Supreme Court did not involve the owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop refusing to be coerced to violate his religious conscience by providing a wedding cake for a gay wedding that celebrates gay marriage, but rather a Muslim bakery being forced to bake a cake decorated with a cartoon picture of the prophet Muhammed covered with bacon sprinkles.

    Creative expression in any form is free speech which, along with freedom of religion, is supposedly protected in the First Amendment. People should not be compelled to write or say things they do not believe or agree with, whether it be in the form of ink on paper or frosting on wedding cakes.

    In this case, as Jordan Lawrence writes in National Review, the line between providing a service and expressing a view are being deliberately blurred by liberals to destroy both free speech and religious liberty:

    The government must not force creative businesses to create messages that they oppose. During the Masterpiece Cakeshop oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, the two attorneys opposing cake artist Jack Phillips argued that the justices should not protect Phillips’s freedom to abstain from creating expression he disagrees with. Their primary argument was that, in their opinion, it is too difficult to draw lines protecting people’s First Amendment right against compelled speech, so the high court should not protect Jack’s rights….

    David Cole of the American Civil Liberties Union argued that the Supreme Court should conclude that anything Phillips would create under some circumstances, he must create in all contexts…

    (But) a cake artist who agrees to design a rainbow cake for a Noah’s Ark–themed Sunday-school party should not be forced against his will to make the same cake for a same-sex wedding (like the one that the same-sex couple who visited Masterpiece Cakeshop eventually got for their wedding reception). Neither should a cake artist who would craft an elephant-shaped cake for a party at the zoo be forced to create the same cake for a Republican-party celebration. Nor should a cake artist who is willing to design a cake saying “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas” for a Christmas party be required to make that cake for a party hosted by Aryan Nations.

    The Masterpiece Cakeshop case is different than saying a hotel or restaurant cannot refuse service to people based on their sexual orientation. Baking is a wedding cake is a creative process and you cannot force a baker to create something that violates his religious beliefs anymore than you can force a writer to put on paper opinions he or she vehemently disagrees with,

    That gay marriage is a looming threat to religious liberty as observed here, and may lead to an era of religious persecution not seen in since the days of the Roman Empire, are seen in the chilling redefinition of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty by Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Democrat of Wisconsin, and the Senate’s only lesbian.

    Baldwin made her remarks on the June 27, 2015 broadcast of «Up With Steve Kornacki» on MSNBC. In a transcript posted on Newsbusters, Baldwin ignored the fact that it was religious persecution in Europe that led to people fleeing here seeking religious freedom on an individual as well as institutional level:

    Certainly the first amendment says that in institutions of faith that there is absolute power to, you know, to observe deeply held religious beliefs. But I don’t think it extends far beyond that. We’ve seen the set of arguments play out in issues such as access to contraception. Should it be the individual pharmacist whose religious beliefs guides whether a prescription is filled, or in this context, they’re talking about expanding this far beyond our churches and synagogues to businesses and individuals across this country. I think there are clear limits that have been set in other contexts and we ought to abide by those in this new context across America.”

    Baldwin, in arguing that there is no individual right to religious liberty and expression, misreads the Constitution with its mandate saying Congress shall pass no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. It is a key phrase in the First Amendment, leading off the Bill of Rights. These are individual rights fought for in the American Revolution. These rights are not limited to institutions but apply to all individuals, just as the Supreme Court has decided the Second Amendment applies to individuals and not just to state-ordained militias.

    Baldwin had been asked the question, “Should the bakery have to bake the cake for the gay couple getting married? Where do you come down on that?” She came down on the side of government coercion and the proposition that church is something you do on Sunday for an hour and otherwise shouldn’t act on your religious beliefs in your daily life.

    The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa tried to act on their faith but were ordered to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple based on an order from the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. As the Washington Times reported:

    The order affirms an initial ruling in January that found Aaron and Melissa Klein had violated Oregon civil-rights law by refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony in 2013 and ordered them to pay damages to Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman.

    In Iran, gay wedding cake and pizza requests are handled a bit more harshly and with more finality than a simple statement from a business owner that his or her faith won’t allow them to cater the affair. If two gays contemplating marriage had walked into a Tehran pizza shop like Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, the pizza shop that refused to cater a gay wedding, hanging in the public square and not a simple refusal would have been a likely outcome.

    Crystal O’Connor, member of the family that owns Memories Pizza, told local ABC news affiliate that she agreed with Indiana’s version of the federal RFRA signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1993. “If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no,” she told local station ABC57. Her beliefs and rights and the beliefs and rights of the owners of Sweet Cakes and Masterpiece Cakeshop should be respected

    The Hobby Lobby case revolved around the belief of the owners that people should be free to act on their faith in their daily lives which includes their business life. It is a belief shared by many including the Founding Fathers. As Investor’s Business Daily observed:

    So do scores of Catholic and non-Catholic institutions and businesses who argue either that the way they run their private businesses is an extension of their faith or that a church, something the federal government seeks to redefine, is not something that happens one hour a week on a Sunday but 24/7 through the hospitals, schools, soup kitchens, and charities they may operate. They argue that acting out their faith through their works should not be illegal.

    To gay advocates, acting on your sincerely held religious beliefs is bigotry. They ask that their lifestyles be respected as well as their newly discovered right to marriage, found in the “penumbras and emanations” of the Constitution that also gave us the right to abortion. Neither abortion nor marriage is mentioned specifically in the Constitution, but religious liberty and those who saying acting on your faith is bigotry are physicians sorely in need of healing themselves.

    Sen. Baldwin’s definition of religious liberty is not that much different than Lenin’s and Stalin’s. Investor’s Business Daily once quoted Cardinal Francis George regarding ObamaCare and its imposition of the contraceptive mandate on religious institutions:

    «Freedom of worship was guaranteed in the Constitution of the former Soviet Union,» Chicago’s Francis Cardinal George recently wrote.

    «You could go to church, if you could find one. The church, however, could do nothing except conduct religious rites in places of worship — no schools, religious publications, health care institutions, organized charity, ministry for justice and works of mercy that flow naturally from a living faith. We fought a long Cold War to defeat that vision of society.»

    One wonders what would happen, or should happen in Sen. Baldwin’s view, if a gay couple walked into a bakery owned by African-Americans and asked for a Confederate flag on their wedding cake. The irony here is that those who profess to be the most tolerance exhibit the most intolerance. If you demand tolerance of your lifestyle, you should exhibit tolerance of other people’s religious beliefs. Otherwise it is you who are the hypocrite and the bigot.

    Justice Anthony Kennedy may have tipped his hand in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, noting in comments during oral arguments:

    All eyes were fixed on the perennial swing Supreme Court jurist as attorneys argued in Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission, and conservatives had to like Kennedy’s brushback to Colorado’s lawyers early in the hearing. According to the Wall Street Journal’s live blog, Kennedy wanted to know how the state tried to accommodate the baker’s rights to speech and religious expression, and he expressed his dissatisfaction with the response:

    Justice Anthony Kennedy told a lawyer for the state that tolerance is essential in a free society, but it’s important for tolerance to work in both directions. “It seems to me the state has been neither tolerant or respectful” of the baker’s views, he said.

    Well said. Indeed, the road to oppression and the end of liberty is paved with political correctness.

  21. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:26 AM

  22. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:25 AM

    Breitbart’s Jerusalem Editor Joins Infowars
    To Talk Trump’s Peace Plan For The Middle East

  23. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:23 AM

  24. el bobo de la yuca
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:21 AM

    Ese cuento del «lobo solitario» es un invento de la MIDIA progre para librar de responsabilidad al terrorismo musulman y la progresia por el apoyo y aliento que le dan

  25. Romalh
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:18 AM


  26. el bobo de la yuca
    12 diciembre, 2017 a las 7:57 AM

    «Santa Claus must be black. Who else would wear a red suit?»
    Milton Berle

  27. raulizquierdo2009
  28. iyamiami
    11 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:46 PM

  29. el bobo de la yuca
    11 diciembre, 2017 a las 9:09 AM

    The Knee’s Not The Problem !

    Children raised in fatherless homes, especially black children, are far more likely than children raised in two parent homes to engage in criminal behavior and thus, have contact with police.

    Ergo when they father a child with a woman to whom they are not married – or at least living with – they are contributing to the problem against which these football players are taking a knee.

    If you look at many of these players’ records on out – of – wedlock children, you find that they are contributing significantly to the problem against which they are protesting.
    For example, Antonio Cromartie has 12 children by 9 different women. Apparently the NFL had to shell out $500,000 before he could even play football for them.
    Travis Henry has 11 children by 10 women,
    Willis McGahee has 9 children by 8 women,
    Derrick Thomas has 7 children by 5 different women,
    Bennie Blades has 6 children by 6 women,
    Ray Lewis has 6 children by 4 women and
    Marshall Faulk has 6 children by 3 women.
    Before these guys take a knee they should take a good look in the mirror. It appears that their problem is not the knee.

  30. raulizquierdo2009
    11 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:24 AM
  31. raulizquierdo2009
    11 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:15 AM

    Explosion en el metro de NY concretamente en el tunel de la 42 y Octava hacia Times Square, hay posibles heridos y una persona arrestada, esto acaba de suceder hace media hora, es cerca de casa y estuve ahi mismo antenoche. parece un estupido solitario, mandado por alguna celula nada solitaria y siguiendo algun tipo de extremismo ya conocido.

  32. raulizquierdo2009
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 10:11 PM

  33. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 5:39 PM

  34. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 5:29 PM

    Published on Sep 7, 2017

    A frank discussion on the transgender agenda – a drive to normalise what is in fact a mental illness known as gender identity disorder, a disorder where an individual cannot reconcile their perceptions with reality. However those pushing the transgender agenda do not want to acknowledge the mental issues faced by those suffering from gender identity disorder, but instead want the rest of society to alter their behaviour in order to pander to a delusional minority.



  35. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 5:20 PM

    Published on Dec 7, 2017
    A frank discussion on the death of Kate Steinle, a young white women killed by an illegal immigrant. This shocking case perfectly illustrates how the safety of those living in Western nations is being compromised for the liberal desire for multiculturalism and mass immigration. The liberal politicians, the media & pro-immigration lobby have blood on their hands.

  36. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 5:13 PM

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — La Casa Blanca lamenta la negativa de las autoridades de Palestina a reunirse con el vicepresidente de Estados Unidos, Mike Pence, durante su visita a Oriente Medio, declaró la portavoz del vicepresidente, Alyssa Farah.

    «Es desafortunado que la Autoridad Palestina se aparte de nuevo de una oportunidad para discutir el futuro de la región», expresó en un comunicado publicado en su cuenta de Twitter.

    La decisión de Trump sobre Jerusalén sumerge a la región en violentas protestas
    Al mismo tiempo, subrayó que la Administración de EEUU continuará con sus esfuerzos para «ayudar a alcanzar la paz entre israelíes y palestinos», y su «equipo de paz sigue trabajando duro» en esta dirección.

    Jibril Rajoub, alto funcionario del movimiento Al Fatah, anunció que las autoridades palestinas no se reunirán con el vicepresidente norteamericano, Mike Pence, en señal de protesta contra el reconocimiento de Jerusalén como capital de Israel.

    La decisión de reconocer a Jerusalén como capital israelí y de trasladar a esta ciudad de Tel Aviv la embajada de EEUU fue anunciada por el presidente Donald Trump el 6 de diciembre.

    La medida, aplaudida por Israel, fue condenada por la mayoría de los países musulmanes y generó críticas de otros Estados e instituciones internacionales.

  37. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 5:00 PM

    La vez que Canadá invadió Estados Unidos | Eddy Warman


  38. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 4:51 PM

  39. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 4:48 PM

    Civil War Inside Deep State |
    Roger Stone And Tyler Nixon Talk With Jordan Satner

  40. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 4:47 PM

  41. Romalh
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 4:45 PM

    December 10, 2017
    Trump’s Decidedly Not Hitler
    By Clarice Feldman

    The ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu observed, “an army without its baggage train is lost; without provisions it is lost; without bases of supply it is lost.” The Left’s supply train — apart from a number of rich donors — has been the handouts to allies under Obama from the federal government: unions, Planned Parenthood, and the fundraising capabilities and political clout of celebrities. One by one the administration is working to cut this supply train.

    The celebrities have lost all moral clout (they never had intellectual clout) with the never-ending, often thin gruel Me-Too campaign.

    So has the media. CNN alone has botched seven big stories this year. As Walter Russell Mead tweeted:

    «I remember Watergate pretty well, and I don’t remember anything like this level of journalistic carelessness back then. The constant stream of ‘bombshells’ that turn into duds is doing much more to damage the media than anything Trump could manage.»

    The CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) forced financial institutions to settle with it and turned over $5 billion in penalties (the Civil Penalty Fund) it exacted from them to community organizers allied with it. The EPA colluded with similar groups who would bring suits that the EPA would quickly settle with them, settlements that included millions in lawyers’ fees for them to continue their work. Grants from various agencies went to organizations and educational institutions, which would promote the party line on everything from climate change to riots over faked police brutality. Planned Parenthood received millions in federal grants, a great deal of which — from 2012-November 2016, $38 million — was recycled back to Democrats through political donations. “The organization’s affiliates receive over half a billion dollars in government funding each year from both federal and state sources.”

    Last year alone, by way of example, the Service Employees International Union contributed over $39 million; the American Federation of Teachers almost $33 million; the Laborers Union over $27 million; AFSCME over $15 million. Almost every penny of this went to Democrats. These contributions do not include the organizers’ field work on elections nor contributions they have made to outside groups who share their aim of keeping the left in power. And a great deal of this money was extracted from members who did not share the views of the union leadership.

    Bit by bit, the supply train is being cut off from the troops on the front. CFPB certainly will no longer paying out funds from the Civil Penalty Fund to private groups.

    Trump worked to cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood and signed into law a bill reversing an Obama rule that precluded states from cutting off funds to Planned Parenthood. Now they can, and one court — the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals — said that cutoff was legal.

    The effort quite naturally meets a great deal of resistance, in part because the organization was so skillful in dissembling — they do not provide general health services to women such as mammograms. They provide abortions. And now the Department of Justice is investigating claims against them for the lucrative but illegal sale of aborted fetal parts, revealed by the Center for Medical Progress videos, (something that had been up until now, dismissed due to the efforts of Glenn Simpson, the man behind Fusion GPS, which concocted the phony dossier against Trump.)

    As for the union dues spigot to the Democrats, the Supreme Court may well shut that off as well.

    The justices will hear the case of Mark Janus, an Illinois state employee who objects to paying fees to the union, which represents 35,000 state workers.

    The decision, due by next June, could prove a costly setback for public-sector unions in 22 states, including California, where such fees are authorized by law. Labor experts have predicted a significant percentage of employees would stop supporting their union if given a choice. The other 28 states have “right to work” laws that forbid requiring workers to join or support a union.

    With smaller numbers, public employee unions would lose some of the political power that has made them major forces in some states, such as California, Illinois and New York.

    The nation’s four largest public-sector unions — the National Education Assn., the American Federation of Teachers, the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees — sharply criticized the case, calling it “a blatantly political and well-funded plot to use the highest court in the land to further rig the economic rules against everyday working people.”

    Once again, the claim of high-minded principle is just another cover for power grab.

    Cutting off mandatory union dues for public employees allowed Wisconsin governor Scott Walker to substantially reduce the size of public service unions and cut billions of dollars in taxes for the citizens of his state.

    EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has ended the dubious practice of allowing sue and settle cases to generate income for leftist groups while bypassing the federal regulatory mandates for notice and comment before issuing new regulations.

    “The days of regulation through litigation are over,” said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. “We will no longer go behind closed doors and use consent decrees and settlement agreements to resolve lawsuits filed against the Agency by special interest groups where doing so would circumvent the regulatory process set forth by Congress. Additionally, gone are the days of routinely paying tens of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees to these groups with which we swiftly settle.”

    Over the years, outside the regulatory process, special interest groups have used lawsuits that seek to force federal agencies — especially EPA — to issue regulations that advance their interests and priorities, on their specified timeframe. EPA gets sued by an outside party that is asking the court to compel the Agency to take certain steps, either through change in a statutory duty or enforcing timelines set by the law, and then EPA will acquiesce through a consent decree or settlement agreement, affecting the Agency’s obligations under the statute.

    More specifically, EPA either commits to taking an action that is not a mandatory requirement under its governing statutes or agrees to a specific, unreasonable timeline to act. Oftentimes, these agreements are reached with little to no public input or transparency. That is regulation through litigation, and it is inconsistent with the authority that Congress has granted and the responsibility to operate in an open and fair manner. [snip]

    With today’s directive, Administrator Pruitt is ensuring the Agency increase transparency, improve public engagement, and provide accountability to the American public when considering a settlement agreement or consent decree…

    Sun Tzu also said this about successful warfare: «Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles”

    When it comes to the Middle East, Trump appears to have taken good measure of the Democrats, the foreign policy establishment and the changing political forces in that area.

    General James Mattis has largely wiped out ISIS. All it took there was a plan to actually defeat these psychopaths. The president has formed a new relationship with the Saudis and Gulf states who fear Iran more than they hate Israel or love the wretched, corrupt Palestinians.

    In 1995, Congress passed into law the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which states that the U.S. Embassy should be moved to Jerusalem, the city the Israelis call their capital. For 22 years, despite promises to carry this out, presidents have failed to follow through until now. Trump did it — it’s a message to the Arabs and Palestinians and Iranian mullahs that we consider Israel a lawful state that will not be erased no matter how much money is pumped into an effort to destroy it and no matter how many staged tantrums the Palestinians engage in, and no matter how ferociously the anti-Semites of foreign-policy establishments — both international and our own — wish it otherwise. Russia, by the way, recognized West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital back in April. Following Trump’s move, the Czechs and Ghana said they’d follow suit, and certainly more states will follow. The claim that this throws into doubt the peace process is laughable. That term, as anyone should realize, is a cover for keeping up the effort to have Israel make more concessions to a “partner” that wishes to eradicate it. It’s a means for nincompoops such as John Kerry to travel the world on Quixotic missions accompanied by banquets in decidedly first-world venues. In this one move, the president exposed a lot of hypocrites, not the least of which was Dianne Feinstein, who voted for the Jerusalem embassy Act and yet protested this action.

    In the words of Omri Ceren of the Israel Project:

    “How weird did foreign policy debate get under Obama? According to some of the leading lights of the DC foreign policy establishment, Obama knifing Israel at UN on Jlem is «pro-Israel» but Trump recognizing Jlem as Israel’s capital isn’t.”

    Worse even than the Democrats who voted for the move and then objected to it, was the initial reaction of many Jewish organizations, most of which have — like former Presidents Clinton and Bush and most Democratic politicians — hoodwinked their members into thinking they share their support for Israel.

    The move humiliates the Palestinians and cuts off their political clout, something Spengler correctly observes is the only way to put a stop to hostilities. Humiliation, not concessions, is the way to end wars.

    As the week ends, Trump is making great progress against those who have done everything to upend his plan — supported by voters — to make America great again. Paraphrasing Richard Fernandez, we’ve crushed ISIS, withdrawn from the ridiculous Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UNESCO, and the Trans Pacific Partnership. We’re about to overhaul the tax code and dismantle the failing ObamaCare program.

    I’m reminded of Samson destroying the Philistines who sought to destroy him. Trump is cutting off America’s enemies’ funding, exposing their idiocy, and destroying their political clout. Samson tied burning torches to the tails of the foxes and destroyed their crops, then took a jawbone of a donkey and slayed 1,000. Slaying them with a jawbone of a donkey, indeed.

  42. Anónimo
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 2:04 PM

  43. raulizquierdo2009
    10 diciembre, 2017 a las 11:46 AM

    Me too !

  44. iyamiami
  45. iyamiami
    9 diciembre, 2017 a las 8:13 PM

    Autoridades de Estados Unidos (EUA) han afirmado que Nicolás Maduro ha sido cómplice de toda la actividad delictiva de Efraín Antonio Campo Flores y Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas, mayormente conocidos como los narcosobrinos. Reseñó la periodista Mailbort Petit

    Para la Fiscalía del Distrito Sur de Nueva York, toda la argumentación presentada por la defensa de los Flores ante la Corte para justificar su pedido de clemencia, carece de todo sustento, toda vez que estima que en el juicio quedó absolutamente demostrado el talante criminal de los sobrinos de la pareja presidencial venezolana.

    El fiscal del Distrito Sur de Nueva York, Joon H. Kim, aseguró que existen evidencias suficientes que prueban ante cualquier jurado razonable que los acusados, en este caso, Efraín Antonio Campo Flores y Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas, estaban predispuestos a cometer el crimen por el cual se les imputó, pues estos mantenían conexiones de suministro de cocaína y con las FARC que incorporaron a su conspiración, al tiempo que contaban con el visto bueno del presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

    Esta la primera vez que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos señala directamente a Nicolás Maduro en el caso de los sobrinos de la pareja presidencial. Igualmente, en las nuevas revelaciones, el fiscal sostiene que los vuelos de droga salían de los aeropuertos más importantes del país con el auspicio del gobierno venezolano.

  46. Romalh
    9 diciembre, 2017 a las 6:05 PM

  47. Romalh
    9 diciembre, 2017 a las 12:52 PM

  48. Romalh
    9 diciembre, 2017 a las 12:20 PM


    Todos conocemos el juego a las tres tapitas, pero a las cuatro?

    Aqui las tenemos:

    – JUDIOS

    Todas las intrigas del mundo segun internet ROTAN por esos cuatro grupos



  49. Romalh
    9 diciembre, 2017 a las 11:32 AM

    Pope Francis brings John Boehner to tears

    John Boehner resigns as Speaker of the House


  50. Romalh
    9 diciembre, 2017 a las 11:30 AM

    Las lágrimas de emoción de John Boehner por discurso del Papa Francisco

    POR QUE LLORO?………..
    POR QUE RENUNCIO O LO RENUNCIARON?????????????????????

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